Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brodsky Quartet
"Audio Production turn into Art". The responsibility to take a project to its maximum exponent to surprise and excite the artist and the public.
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Full-service professional recording studio located in scenic Shutesbury, MA in the Pioneer Valley. Can handle musical groups of any size. Engineer plays keyboards and horns, which he can add to your songs. Rate is $45/hour.
I will make your music sound radio-ready. Please, check out my website: http://re-sound.info
Trained audio engineer/producer with 5+ years of experience
Producer/Songwriter at Universal Music India.
I like making things sound huuuge! I'm all about serving the song and building a dynamic track around a killer hook.
Leonardo Foletto offers custom software solutions for audio and multimedia applications, audio post production services, sound design, mixing and mastering services and creative programming consulting.
Denver Public Art and Live Visual Operators 6+ Years in Digital Design and Animation
Grammy nominated composer for Dan + Shay, “Glad You Exist”. Multi platinum songwriter, producer for Dan + Shay, “Glad You Exist single and Good Things album and YK Osiris, “Valentine”.
Recent Successes
"Incredible voice, and a true professional!! I`m so glad I contacted Delphia and I feel I got a lot more than I bargained fore as she put on several tracks of vocal and chorus for me. I would have no problem usin..."
"Just the perfect backing vocals. She gave new life to our song. I absolutely recommend Chloe, she is one of the best singers in SoundBetter.com. A very fast response also."
"His rap was great! I'm looking forward work again with him!"
"Jeronimo was great! Excellent communication, very humble, and most of all, enthusiastic about the work. He made sure I was happy with the song throughout the process and stayed in touch every step of the way. Highly r..."
"From the get-go, Jeff stood out to me for his enthusiasm and drive to take my track to the next level. He works quickly and leaves headroom for the artist to make direction along the way. Been such a breeze, and canno..."
"Gabriele is an extremely gifted and professional guitarist. I reached him with a specific project in mind and he was able to deliver very rapidly high quality guitars. Super easy communication ! If you need great gu..."
"Michael delivered yet another track, this time in a sort of jazz/reggae style. Highly recommended!"
"Huge talent, great work as always! Very communicative."
"This track we just finished is another banger with my great friend J.O.Y!! We made a great song together that I hope will touch the sky. He's such an amazing guy to work with and fun, he's just gets it so quickly and ..."