Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brian Maher
Published songwriter and professional audio engineer in Nashville, Tennessee. For years I’ve been writing songs and building demos to pitch to top selling country artists. If you need someone to help write your song, instrumentation composed or played, or a project mixed, I’m your guy.
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More providers:
I'm a producer, Mix & Mastering engineer, Dj, Song writer, Graphic Artist, Video Director/editor, In short im just an artist loving art.
Music production created to fit the emotion of your song. Credits include major artists, film, TV, etc $80/hr (2 hour min)
Award Winning Mixing/Mastering engineer and Guitarist, specialising in Power Metal and heavy Rock/Metal.
I’m just looking to collab hmu
I can sing in several musical styles and several languages.
Montreal-based producer/engineer specialized in providing audio recording, production, editing, mixing, mastering, and other audio related services.
I'm a producer/mix engineer dedicated to bringing the vision of the artists I work with to life. I specialize in folk/pop/rock, acoustic folk, indie pop, and all electronic genres. My organic sound is similar to boygenius, The Japanese House, James Blake, and Bon Iver. Let me bring your demo, idea, to a crisp and expansive pro quality!
Energetic Performer, Vocalist, Songwriter that can record what you need in Audition. I perform in many local bands and also have a fully produced songs so you can hear me. Chandra Nu Power is my name since the Single is Nu Power on every platform. Look it up and see if my voice suits your needs. Anytime will show you my full range. High to low.
Recent Successes
"She is GENIUS ! I am lucky to find her. Her Divine Voice in my song " A Peaceful Christmas" was perfect match. I hope, that she agrees to sing my other songs. Thank-you, Amber... Johana Blinstrub"
"Miriami crushed my track! Super easy to work with and love the way it came out! Went above and beyond to provide more than the track needed! "
"I came on here looking for a professional and I am happy to announce that I have found the BEST one here on SoundBetter! Markiss has exceptional talent and his knowledge for production and engineering is that of what ..."
"Very professional "
"My session with RJ was amazing. He was super professional and made use of every hour, knowing exactly what to do with the time we had so that we meet our goal for the track. I highly recommend working with him! "
"This guy get's it on the first go! On to the next one!"
"Annie is incredibly talented and has great communication skills in bringing the vision for a project to life. Would highly recommend!!!"
" Ziv did it again! He took something I am proud of and made me even prouder to be a part of the project. My goals are truly moving forward and it’s all thanks to Ziv. There’s too much to mention about all the wo..."
"A real pleasure working with Machine! He was able to Master my mixes in a way that I simply couldn't. Offered good advice and feedback on the mix to help get the result I wanted and was very communicative. This typ..."