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Breckenridge Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixed Running Up that Hill........ and whole album Hounds of Love apart from 2 tracks. Plus many top 10 tracks including No 1s
Over 10 years of experience in Audio. Mastered album recently nominated for Victorian Music Awards 2019. Soundesign / mixing for advertisements nationally broadcasted in Brazil.
Produced and written songs with over half a million streams. Attention to detail. Easy to work with.
I am a session musician, producer, mixing engineer, songwriter and singer etc
Major label touring artist and engineer with over 30 years of studio experience on both sides of the glass. This gives me the unique ability to understand that the artist's vision and music always comes first!!
Musician with tons of experience in recording studios- production, composing, mixing and playing. Working with a lot of local musicians. Love the real old metal racks and old school sound and feel. I work with reel tape, and fully analog gear, a lot of vintage mics. If you’re into the real feel of Indie Rock music I believe we will get just fine.
Live Sound Engineer & Mixing & Mastering
Hello! I’m Dinis Cabral, a drummer from Portugal specialized in jazz, fusion, rock, and pop music.
Recent Successes
"Always a pleasure to work with J!"
"Consistently "the man.""
"Always a pleasure working with Austin! Never disappoints!"
"Second time working with Adriane and as always great result!"
"Carolina once again did a fantastic job on this guitar piece, the commitment she has to perfection and the smoothness and ease of working with her really sets her apart. Highly recommended to any artist looking for a ..."
"Very professional and a great talent. Hope we get to do more together. "
"Dude makes everything sound radio!!! He just got that thing, that sound. He is great with flipping ideas/lyircs...etc all of it. Like taking candy from a babe. Spot on. Quick turnaround . Communication on point. Love ..."
"Amazing work as always. We did many projects together (always fire), SEB has never disappointed me!"
"You will not find a better choice among female singers on SB than Lydia. I have hired her on projects for lead and backing vocals and she created perfect tracks that were mix ready. This time she also played piano a..."
"Great job, serves the music! Highly recommend!"