Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with brandon margary
Amazon, Young rising sons, Decora, Rusted Root, Sam Stubblefield , and many more. I cover a diverse range of Sounds, from working at a World class studio, to using the inside of an empty massive water tank as a reverb chamber, to working remotely on a laptop, no matter the setting or the tools, I get results.
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I'm a freelance producer from Germany. Writing, mixing/mastering music of all kinds of genres since my early 20ies. You can find more of my music at www.hassels-audio.com and on my Soundcloud.
Estúdio de gravação e Produtora de Áudio. Responsável pelo Selo Freak de música independente.
Recording, Mixing and Sound Design. From your classical ensemble or pop punk record to your film or documentary. Originally from London now based in Philadelphia. Had the pleasure of working with Odean Pope, The SunRa Arkestra, Marcia Griffiths, Harper Simon, Ghostlight, Lotus and The Crossing.
I am proud to say I have worked in studio sessions with such artists as Lydia Lunch, MC Tunes, Myke Wilson and also don live sound for an intimate gig with KT Tunstall.
I'm a pro session multi-instrumentalist, playing violin, keys, guitar and alto saxophone.
Song Writer based in London UK with a passion for lyrics.
Professional Music graduate from Berklee College of Music with songwriting concentrate. Originally from London, now based in LA! I'm a Vocalist, Songwriter and Producer with the pop duo Valencia. 600K+ Spotify Streams.
Independent, deeply practiced musician/engineer. Writing, performing and mixing all parts in personal project Gypsy Moth Control. Releasing two singles with many more in development. Ears are the single most important asset in this art and I have developed mine to the best of my ability in service of it. Please allow me to extend that to you.
Recent Successes
"Yet another amazing job with Vintage Division. He is now the only provider I use for mixing and mastering. Highly recommended! "
"Creative, versatile and professional, exceptional voice and quality of delivery"
"Recently hired Brent to do some editing of a live acoustic instrumental album. Brent definitely delivered big time and didn't waste any time either! Started work promptly, finished long before my deadline, and worke..."
"Enjoyed a lot working with such a beautiful voice. Highly recommended "
"I only trust a couple people with my vocals -- esp. dry mix/EQ/sibilance control -- and Aaron is one of them. He takes the time to understand how you/the artist wants to sound and then uses his skills to meet you ther..."
"If you are looking for a fantastic jazz vocalist, contact Christopher. Thanks to Christopher, I was able to do my job and I was able to work comfortably because he was friendly. also went above and beyond every ..."
"OMG!...I'm so emotional right now ..Riad, trying to hold back my tears! Such an "Uplifting, Heartfelt, Powerful, and Outstanding performance!""