Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Boston Switch
Female alt RAPPER with placements on Hulu's "East Los High" (four episodes over two seasons). L.A. Mag named me one of "Four Musical Artists From East Los High You Need To Hear". I'm heard on "Basketball Wives: Orlando". I've worked with nerdcore royalty; you want me if you need someone with a fun, versatile array of flows.
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If you're looking for thick, raw, and ambient soundscape-- you've come to the right guy.
My work ranges from composing advertisements/films, accompanying on piano, providing piano/vocals for commercial music, to producing my own music or anyone's music
Low cost works will be done without hesitation. No worry about quality. High quality work at low cost
Great Pricing For Mixing And Mastering By An Intern At 11th Street Studios. One Of The Top Studios In Atlanta.
I live in Nashville and have played with artists ranging from bluegrass icon, Charlie Sizemore, to Angaleena Presley of The Pistol Annies and Brandy Clark. Some of my performance highlights include The Grand Ole Opry, The Kennedy Center, Bluegrass Underground, Carnegie Hall, Music City Roots.
A put-togetherer of sorts
Simón Mejía es un musico profesional, clarinetista-pianista y compositor musical del género urbano, pop y músicas populares.
Happy to help you finishing your tracks, mix them or work on any of your ideas
Recent Successes
"I thoroughly enjoyed working with Simon. He was professional and did an excellent job making my brooding piece sound resonant and clear. He was patient with my requests for small changes. I would definitely work with ..."
"Great experience..thank you very much Mark ! Super Pro ! "
"Aaron has always been a pleasure to work with. He was very patient with me on this track and made me feel like he wanted to work with me instead of rushing through things. He also gives professional advice for future ..."
"Steve was able to transform a simple ballad - into a beautiful orchestral masterpiece. The best one in our catalog so far. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication."
"Another 5 star job well done! It is really all about how attentive Ocean Studios is to getting the mix to fit the songs. It is a blessing to work with their talent. They pour their heart into each mix and it shows. We..."
"Just work with him."
"Winnie has amazing songwriting skills and can give a complete piece in a very short time, I think I will always choose to work with her!!!!"
"me ayudo mucho el mix coaching en esta sesion, quedo excelente el master"
" I wanted to take a moment to express our appreciation for your outstanding recording performance. Both my team and the game team unanimously agree that your rendition was exceptional!"