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Boom Operator in italy and italy who worked with Italy
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Having been a part of the NYC Music Scene for over a decade, I've been on both sides of the glass. I've put out albums both as a musician and a record producer, and now I primarily focus on realizing the creative vision of other artists. It's my goal to make the production process as seamless as possible.
Australian Producer and Remixer specialising in the Y2K Millennial Bubblegum Pop sound that came out of Cheiron Studios in the early 2000s (Max Martin, Denniz Pop - with Artists Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC etc).
Do you need affordable professional mixes with fast turnaround time?
I'll enhance your art in my personal studio. It’s my true desire to use my knowledge and experience to make you sound the way you imagine.
Without Music,life is nothing
Makena has written for has cuts American Idol top 24 contestant Olivia Soli, Careless Records artists (Lesha, Issa). Had songs on hold with Fisher. With placements in UFC Promos, worked notable talents such as Krunkadelic (Lauren Spencer Smith) and been mentored by Shelly Peiken (Christina Aguilera.) She's amassed 200k streams on her own Spotify.
Remote Session Drummer/Educator
Your music in any form within 7 days
Recent Successes
"Extremely patient and was willing to work with numerous edits in order to get the track where it needed to be. Both professional and an excellent sound engineer that knows what he is doing. Gladly again!"
"Otto is an amazing singer and was very easy to work with on the track. He gave his feedback and listened to mine and we came up with a great song. I hope to work with him in the future."
"Shelley has this incredible energy and capacity to find the right vibes for a song. I am astonished each time about the outcome. Vocals are great and so full. Really really good."
"Fantastic work! - Patricio was quick in getting back to my initial offer and also quick to deliver the final product! thanks a lot :)"
"Another great experience working with Mike. We have complete confidence he'll do a good job when we send over mixes, and he's happy to experiment with whatever tweaks we request. Recommended."
"Hasn’t missed yet! 2/2"