Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with boohoo
A versatile Sound designer and non traditional composer. Well versed in synthesis and experimental audio who thrives on pushing the envelope. I apply my 5 years experience in a professional recording environment to each project and relish working with people who are also looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible within music, film and audio
A collaborator with multi-platinum musicians and brands like UFC & BBC Radio 1, my services guarantee an unmatched experience. With tens of millions of streams and a state-of-the-art recording studio at my disposal, your music will resonate like never before. I look forward to working on your track, book now for an unforgettable sonic journey.
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I have been mixing for close to a decade now. Working with artists ranging from Lil Wayne to the Colorado Symphony Orchestra has made me a diverse engineer. We specialize in either Indie Alternative music or Hip Hop.
I am here to help you with anything audio and creative. I can write verses and songs, produce beats and or collaborate to help enhance your beats. I am also a Mixing and Mastering Engineer.
Making Truthful Music.
I write and record strings for commercial records; being an experienced improviser combined with classical training ensures the best result in any studio session. Recent releases with my stringlines include Arrdee & Greentea Peng. As a solo artist I'm known as The Grime Violinist: performing live electric violin to chart and rap around the world.
I can write, sing, produce, mix and master the acoustic, pop or hip hop song you need. Or even collab :) Check Daniel Sabaterr on Spotify to check my work
Recording engineer, mixer, producer, and musician with a creative approach to sound.
A versatile Sound designer and non traditional composer. Well versed in synthesis and experimental audio who thrives on pushing the envelope. I apply my 5 years experience in a professional recording environment to each project and relish working with people who are also looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible within music, film and audio
Watch your songs being brought to life using professional equipment and plugins.
Recent Successes
"NT was wonderful. He delivered the finished song files ahead of schedule, was professional and friendly and most importantly, added his superb voice to help take my song to a different level. Highly recommended!"
"Great quality, arrangement And communication!"
"Always excellent mixing and mastering. Thanks, GC!!"
"Unbelievable. Amazing. Breathtaking. Looking forward to the next collaboration with Kate. "
"Pleasure as always working with Bailey!"
"Working with JUNYOR has been a pleasure. Since the first moment has been 100% involved with the project. I'm sure that's the first but not the last time that we work together. "
"Wonderful tones with very professional mic-ing technique ! Wonderful performance ! BEST Drummer ever !! "
"Marcello is as professional as it gets, but he's more than that, he's a friend beyond the relationship of professionalism, and he and his team do everything so well it's crazy. Beautiful piano for an acoustic song wit..."
"Ridiculously good and efficient. My go to throughout this EP. Will be working with EJM for many more songs :)"
"Another job completed by Mark, was quick and professional! Gave exactly what I asked for. Mark is a pleasure to work with, good communication and great sense fo humor! :)"