Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #blyndshell
Record producer / mixer with top notch analog studio, based in Paris, specialised in electronic & pop, synth-pop. and all the styles of music where solid melodic skills and toplines are requested. I polish your song like a diamond. My goal : achieving a perfect balance between the listening experience and a state-of-art audio quality.
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I am a well travelled versatile studio engineer with more than 10 years engineering experience. Worked with International acts and many professional studio software programs, VST plugins, outboard gear. I understand recording techniques, EQ, Limiting and Mastering. I am currently available to work with artists.
Whether it's creating a fully produced track or just your mix and mastering, we do it all for you! Live/Acoustic music, Pop/Electronic music, Orchestral Film, covering a wide range of genres, we do it all!
Female Trance Vocalist, with a household name, supported by Armada, A State Of Trance, Black Hole, ColdHarbour
Pianist and composer
Degree holding engineer with a physics emphasis, can and prefers to work analogue, can also track and mix 2” tape, and archive tape
Latin urban music producer with 3 years of experience. Specialiced in Reggaeton and Trap beatmaking, mixing and production.
Audio Engineer for over 15 years both in the Military and Civilian. Mix and Mastered over 10 CDs for the Military. Recorded, Edited, and Mixed hundreds of sessions and Trained over 40+ in Protools and Mixing/Editing.
Recent Successes
"Another great project finished with Brandon. He's work is always awesome, does much better than he's supposed to do. And he gladly responds to any additional request, also does it really well without any hesitation...."
"Nate is a breeze to work with - efficient and communicative. He effortlessly interprets notes and ideas, bringing his own to the table, all with tons of vibe and energy. His kit and room mics are lush. I can't recomme..."
"Fingazz is the man!! A master of his instrument, added such an awesome vibe to my track!! Can't wait to work with him again!"
"Couldn't rate Rebecca highly enough, needed a singer/songwriter for my project and she worked with my ideas, made the process easy and exceeded all expectations with the end product. Would happily recommend and work w..."
"Another great delivery. Super talented singer and songwriter! Always a pleasure working with him."
"Great work on a remix. All I had to do was provide the vox and ALOU took it from there to complete and knocked it outta the park. Understanding of wide variety of electronic genres. Delivered on both the technical and..."
"Great music. It was very much the sound I was looking for. He was able to push his talent even more than my expectations. Thanks again!"
"Top notch! I asked for a catchy melody and he did the miracle! He is a genius!"