Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bleidd
Professional Producer and Mixing Engineer specialized in Modern Metal and Hardcore music.
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Sound Engineer with 7+ years of experience in local indie music from La Plata and Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Any colors of Pop, Rock, and Electronic sound in here! Work with artists in all genres and lead your idea from scratch to the top.
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"Your best quality is that you have epic ideas in very short time. You should make a job out of it". Well, here I am... I can write a topline you will hear once and remember for a lifetime!
Professional mixing for Electronic and Alternative Rock/Indie music.
Drew Riekman is an audio and mixing engineer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Guided by a desire to create a welcoming and approachable studio experience, Drew has developed an intentional approach to recording and mixing over the course of his near two decades in the industry.
Professional Producer and Mixing Engineer specialized in Modern Metal and Hardcore music.
No money, no problem !! My goal is to help musician with small budget, everybody should be able to have a top quality sound of his own track!
Recent Successes
"Sean did a great job on rhythm and lead guitar for my song I recommend him to anyone needing a studio recording track. John R from Texas"
"Mastered two tunes for me. One was a techno tune and the other a Tech House tune. Both came out fantastic and with a little adjustment to the bass (caused be my original mix) we had the perfect masters. Thanks a..."
"Beautiful work, wonderful communication, fantastic produce. Looking forward to our next job."
"A great Job as usual. Edu always has a quick turnaround and knows just what the song needs in each section. A total pro!"
"Hannes (Killen Manjaro) was polite, helpful, and well-behaved through all the tweaks it took to get to the final product. The work on my project, the mix of the song, took a little longer a month. There was a difficu..."
"Brianna proved to be very professional, efficient and easy to work with. The were a few miscommunications but she worked with me to sort them out for a beautiful delivery. Would work with her again in a heartbeat."
"It is always a pleasure working with Ashley. She is unreal talented, creative, and versatile. Her voice and skillset will completely elevate any song/idea. "
"100% recommended. Such a good and versatile voice. Her lyrics are pure poetry. I can definitely recommend her to anyone, the result will be beautiful and special. Sureilla is a true talent here on SoundBetter."
"Ina is an extremely good singer, and I'm very satisfied with the result that was delivered to me. I hope to get the chance to work with her again in the future."