Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with blaky boy
Music producer and mixing engineer with more than 10 years of experience
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I'm an experienced producer who's worked with pretty big names. I'll do almost anything, since genre is not an obstacle.
I can turn your idea into a fully produced work of art, from instrumentation, quality trax to Power vocals, harmonies, vocal arrangements.
award winning producer, mixing engineer, songwriter and musician focused on rock, alternative and indie
We want our songs to be new and out of the box, but at the same time familiar. Let's tell a story only you can tell!
Award-winning hit maker.
I have been mastering the skills of music production for the past 3 years in fl studio, ableton live, and pro tools, therefore I am capable of doing anything music related, as long as it does not include vocals
YOUNGEST top mix engineer in Southern Africa. 8+ yrs Experience as a composer, mixing / mastering engineer, producer and sound designer. Starting at a young age, I was gifted with a creative/accurate ear which has allowed me the ability to combine different sonic elements of a recorded piece of music into a BALANCED final version.
I don't dress fancy but I do good at mixing music Professional Mixing Engineer from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Recent Successes
"Thomas is absolutely great vocalist and songwriter. It was an honor to work with him. I gave him some space and he gave me amazing song. It was my first work with Thomas but for sure not the last one. "
"Super impressed with Kate. Very quick turnaround. Very professional, super talented. I will definitely keep working with her!!"
"Alberto's work was incredible, he paid an extortionate amount of attention to the detail of the composition and performed it as beautifully and precisely as was expected. This man is a genius of classical music record..."
"Jenny delivered a very moving performance on the song. From the melody, lyrics and vocals, everything that she brought is so smooth and gracious. Will come out as a beautiful piece. Thank you so much Jenny."
"Had a great time working with William! He will go ABOVE AND BEYOND! William has years of experience and will share his knowledge with you. I learned so much working with him the past couple of months. If you are looki..."
"Can't recommend Diggs more highly, he is a rare talent with a killer voice, incredible songwriting and a great understanding of what I am trying to achieve with my songs. Incredible work"
"amazing instinct and skill. Matt did mixing and mastering on an upcoming song of mine, and I'm so thrilled he brought it to life. I recommend everyone use Matt for mixing and mastering! He really wants to help bring o..."