Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blacky El Amuleto
Sweet and Simple
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Musician and producer mostly interested in soundtrack music, working with analouge instruments (Moog, Rhodes, etc.) as well as VSTs and so on. Primarily involved in musical project Sea Vine, and sound production.
Are you looking for an Audio specialist? Mixer? Editor? Sound Designer? I'm here. And I'd love to help you.
Music is the language of the world!
Music Producer
For years i have been perfecting my craft, and now i want to offer my experience and dedication to you the people. I have learned to do it all for myself and now i would like to give back.
Enhance your stories with me through soulful melodies, luscious vocal arrangements and lyrics that articulate deep emotions.
Recent Successes
"Jimmy gave me really quick responses on every update. He mixes well and knows how to work with his clients."
"Another great job, thanks!"
"Austin was the best!! I would so highly recommend him because he is very willing with revisions and mixes at radio quality. I am going to be working with Austin for any songs I need mixed. "
"Alex really helped me out with my track. He has an amazing sense of melody and a beautiful voice. I couldn’t be happier with my finished project. Highly recommend him!"
"Gal is an excellent drummer!! A true professional. I would highly recommend him!!"
"Always great work with Tom and good timing. Super communication and final result with great mixing skills! "
"Great communicator with a great ear - made my projects sound great! 10/10 "
"Ariel Chobaz provides industry-quality mixing services at a price that independent artists can afford. It was a pleasure working with him and I highly recommend others do so."