Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BINYAMIN
As an experienced DJ, music producer, and mixing engineer, I can transform your rough mixes into a polished and professional track that is radio-ready and commercial.
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Fancy Model Agency (FMA) is a talent agency and full-service consulting firm collaborating with clients to build excellence across the entertainment industry. We offer professional song writing services by published songwriters only.
I work with music production. I have done a lot of remixes and are now making my own music.
I specialize in urban genres (Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Trap, etc.) and offer production and mixing services out of my studio in south Germany. I will help you make your music sound the way it should so you and your fans love it. Urban sound needs special treatment to be full, punchy and big. Let‘s make your song amazing!
Seasoned producer/writer/engineer/guitar player in many genres with 7+ yrs of experience, millions of streams and an unrelenting drive to make the best music possible. I pride myself in being able to jump genres and provide an authentic and compelling sound, always. From Rap, Reggaeton, RnB to Pop, my productions and mixes speak for themselves.
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I have been writing songs for over a decade as a solo artist, with a band, and together with other artists. I have been featured in NYC based showcases Breaking Sound, MajorStage Presents, and others. I am also a Pro Artist with Breedlove Guitars. My newest solo project, BINYAMIN, has close to half a million streams in less than 2 years.
GRAMMY Award winning artist and producer. Professional session singer and songwriter.
Making account just for the freebies
Recent Successes
"If you want to laugh, order some talking adlibs from Julia. I promise you won't be able to keep straight face while listening to them. I guess she's a talented adlibber? Would definitely work with again!"
"Kevin is truly a gifted producer and talented mixing engineer! He is very attentive to details and will bring your records to the next level. He cares about the music, and the results are outstanding. I did not regret..."
"Joey Diggs Jr was the amazing singing voice! I wanna work with you again. Best regards,yas"
"Amazing production on a very dark and tense track 'The Watcher' followed by a fantastic club mix of You Lift Me Up. Dom is able to move around different musical genres with ease and bring out the best in your song. A..."
"I needed a last minute mix asap. Worked with Jeff before so I knew it would a top notch mix . He fixed it in 2 days. Great guy to work with."
"Where do I begin? Yoad is the REAL DEAL. Absolute master of his craft and he brings his years of experience and innovation to your project as a standard. The mix sounds beautiful! "
"Michael is fantastic and an amazing pianist! Most definitely work with him. You will be grateful you did. He’s is one of a kind."
"Ilia was awesome! Quick turnaround, thoughtful tracks. He gave me two to chose from and it was plenty as background in my song Canyon Moon. I recommend Ilia!"