Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Billy Barman
Alexandr Vatagin is a mastering engineer based in Vienna, Austria.
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Experienced writer with adaptable voice. www.soundcloud.com/kattymcgrew
Hi, I'm Kala. I have that voice you're looking for. It's sultry & strong in a way that will move your listeners. I have several music projects under my sleeve that will help me to deliver whatever sonic result you're looking for. I'm also a very creative bass and guitar player, and talented songwriter. I'll get you the sound you're looking for :)
Producer & Mastering Engineer
I am a Nashville based producer, songwriter and touring keyboardist. I have worked with countless artists spanning a wide variety of genres, and played live for the likes of Sam Hunt and Mac Powell. I would be excited to help you arrange, produce, sing or play on your project!
LGBTQIA Welcome! We offer full scale professional songwriting and production services to all artist. Let us make your song a hit!
Cinematic Composer For Film, TV, Video Games and Advertisements 25 Years of composing experience https://nicholaspatrickfilmmusic.com/
The " Fab-U-Ross " sound. My personally evolved wall of sound.
Recent Successes
"Hand down. I mean no comparison. Jay is the hardest working man on SoundBetter. He’s super talented and on top of that he ALWAYS go all out and give you way more than you could ask for. I mean every time he always..."
"Outstanding work. Lots of understanding, patience and efforts. A lot of time was spent to find solutions to MY problem. A real fixer in need. I do recommend, highly. "
"Another solid track with a solid bass player. Diligent and professional."
"LOVE the video! Huge value that Jayden was so responsive, adaptable, and clear-minded throughout the creative process. They showed up with thoughtful professionalism, decisive action, and personal touches that made th..."
"Nicky was awesome! He provided extensive feedback on my mix before he started working on the master. Communication was great and he was very detailed with improvements i could make in order to get the best out of the ..."
"100 % high end mix ! perfect like always ! Easy to work with Daniela The best sound engineer I know ! At the next mix ! "
"Another great piano session with Leo!"
"Sam killed it yet again. Can't tell you how much my music has grown since I started working with Sam. He has an incredible ear and true artistic vision. Do you're music a favor and hire Sam!!!"
"I thank Jeff for his excellent work on the mixing of my song, it's true professional. he makes himself available and listens. thanks again. I highly recommend it."
"Fred does incredible work! Went the extra mile to help me get the mix sounding just right before the final master "