Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BILD TV
My name is Barbie Mak, a Hong Kong based Independent Singer, Songwriter & Producer. Vocal Type fits with afro house, RnB, pop, neo-soul and hip-hop genres. I have 300k+ subs on my YouTube and have released on Nervous Records NYC, Cafe De Anatolia, Foliage records, UMR etc. Trusted by LANDR, ADSR, AudioLoops, SLOOPLY, R-LOOPS and more.
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I am a sound and music computing graduate, looking to apply my areas of expertise to serve your auditory needs
Music Engineer with more than a decade of experience. Owner/ (Advanced level) User of Pro Tools, Logic Pro, UAD Suite, Waves Suite, Dangerous gear etc... Expertise on platforms ranging from Feature Films, Traditional Broadcast, Virtual Reality and much more. www.tonyjoy.com
I love collaborationg with other artists/musicians. My work process is fast and I love creating catchy melodies with cool lyrics. One of my latest songs 'I want your ice cream by The Anahit' was co-produced, mixed and mastered with 5-time Grammy Award Winning producer and mixer Steve Dub.
Breathe life into any track.
Have your song recorded or mixed in a PRO STUDIO! I've had the pleasure of working at the same studio for years now, I know the room and I know the gear to take your song to the next level!
I will produce or write your song
Credits on multiple UK #1 albums, over a decade in the industry working with top artists and producers and a passion for great sounding records!
Fast rising Afrobeats producer and mix engineer with credits including Layzee Ella, Khaid & Ransompapi.
Recent Successes
"Another stellar mix from Austin. It's so refreshing to work with someone who "gets it" right off the bat. He's become my go-to mix engineer - don't hesitate to make him yours, too!"
"I wish I could give more stars, Devin worked quickly and gave expert advice on the sound of the production and the direction in which I could take it. It was a pleasure working with him and I will be working with him ..."
"Yet again Philip has delivered in spades. What continually amazes me is not only his musical ability but also his uncanny ability to understand and interpret what I was looking for. The end result is exactly how I env..."
"Susannah was incredibly easy to work with. I've never had a Canvas made before, so my ideas were more abstract and I was uncertain. I did have an idea about colors and shared back story about my project, and she deriv..."
"Industry legend! Knows his stuff and also provides guidance for up and coming bands. Excited to continue working with Jeff for more!"
"Top quality master as always from Kenneth. So nice to have a go to engineer and know he will do what i want to my track. "
"Andreas did a lovely job that was sympathetic with the soundscape envisaged on the recording - and then took it to be better version than imagined. "
"Raymond is always fast and professional with his turnaround. I like to use him every time I use Soundbetter. "