Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with big ooh
Being a Premier Producer/Writer/Engineer in the business...I look forward to helping others achieve there goal & be great as they move through the ranks!!! Sincerely THA NOIZE
I am a Gold/Platinum Music Producer/Musician/Engineer/Sound Designer.
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Multi-instrumentalist / Producer / Mixing and Mastering Engineer all rolled into one.
Grammy nominated vocalist & songwriter based in Los Angeles. Written for Mya Harrison, Prinnie Stevens of The Voice Australia, MC Lyte, Trey Songz and Zendaya. Most recent works include Interscope recording artist Candice Pillay, and vocal accompaniment on Dr Dre's Compton album. Vocal Production credits include Zendaya.
Mixing, mastering, and producing different genres of EDM I'm in this business for 20 years with vast experience turning the world producing mixing and mastering labels and artists I worked with: Sony, Warner, Alteza, CYB3RPVNK, R3hab, Vini Vici, Reality Test, Detonautas, Terra, Skazi. Together we'll bring your music to its full potential !! .
I never resonated with the word “Yolo” because in reality we live everyday and only die once. Became inspired by MTL artists around me chasing their dreams. Housefly music helped me develop my first track, and I was sold. I’m a vocalist who can sing and rap in 3 languages. No matter what I go through... Music🎵 always picks me up from the ground.
Hey, I'm Max. Based in a state-of-the-art studio in Brussels, I'm a professional producer and sound engineer. Been in the industry for 15+ years, won multiple awards. Hit me up!
my shit gone make you feel better, taste better, look better,. etc.,
Blistering chicken pick’n licks, moaning pedal steel bends, swinging bebop runs and crying pedal steel solos.
I’m a mixing engineer dedicated to bringing clarity, depth, and balance to every track, helping artists achieve a polished sound that stands out and connects with listeners
Recent Successes
"Will is an absolute professional! He completed a song including an instrumental track, topline and vocals. Will exceeded my expectations. I love the song, it is definitely top of the charts material!"
"AyEL is an amazing talent as a songwriter and singer. I would highly recommend. Five star musically and professionalism."
"Killian all I can say is, Thank You. You are a master at what you do. You listened to what we were thinking and went forward adding such a killer vibe to the song. On to the next one...clearly you know what you are do..."
"Jimmy is the ultimate hit-making genius. Seriously. Everything he’s a part of - whether it be writing/melody, vocals, ideas- he just kills it. HIGHLY recommend!"
"Elvinho's work is outstanding. I have continued to come back as I have not found anyone else who can do a better job for our music. He is easy to work with and always has a speedy turn around. Highly Rate"
"I could already hear Reed's production quality available on his Spotify, which gave me confidence for this first collaboration. I'm a producer myself, but for a side project, I didn't have the time or the inspirati..."
"Wow, Malachi What a pleasure it has been working with you, you took my song to another level, First Class Remix, such a great approach to delivering what I imagined, thanks for your patience and great communicatio..."