Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bien
20M+ Streams, Over 10 years of experience, Working globally between Africa, Europe and America. DOLBY ATMOS mixing, Touring FOH Engineer
Best of the best from Africa. Hit me up, you won't be disappointed.
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Composer, musician multi instrumentist, musical producer
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Jaco Camardi, soy baterista y percusionista. Toco la batería en ❝Vacío del Medio❞, en ❝Solaz❞, en ❝Rey del Play❞ y en ❝Gnomos de Lata❞. Ofrezco la grabación de mis baterías para tu proyecto! Tengo experiencia en estudios de grabación y shows en vivo con la versatilidad en diferentes estilos. ¡No dudes en contactarme!
Amanda has an awesome gift for writing amazing lyrics and great melodies with this. She has published her work in all sorts of genres and is a recording artist/producer now. She has great vocals and can find all sorts of interesting loops, beats to accompany her work. She uses Studio One software from her home studio. She also performs live.
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I'm into rock and metal, experimental music, gritty and atmospheric soundtracks, and various forms of ambient music.
Melodic synth with ambient and film elements.
Crafting immersive soundscapes and dynamic beats across Ambient, Lo-fi, Trap, Hip Hop and R&B.
Recent Successes
"Lex is very talented and professional. Definitely will continue to be a repeat customer. "
"Just finished my second project with Ziv and I'm so stoked. He keeps bringing top quality everytime. I'm thrilled"
"Martin is an amazing accordion player! He created a beautiful accompaniment to a Polish folk song on my forthcoming album. Martin is already one of Europe's leading young accordion players and has appeared in solo con..."
"I just finished my 10th project with Lo and as always, I can't say enough positive things about working with her. What an amazing talent and person. Hit her up, you will not be disappointed!"
"Mark's talent and skill on the bass truly made a significant impact on my song. It's always a pleasure to collaborate with such talented musicians who bring their A-game to the table. "
"Mariano is such a great guy, really talented musician ! working with him was a really good experience ! "