Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Biancucci
Soy Dile Sly Q, un apasionado productor musical especializado en música urbana. Con una década de experiencia, transformó ideas en éxitos. Ofrezco producción personalizada, composición, mezcla y masterización de calidad. Maximiza tu visibilidad y audiencia con mis servicios. ¡Hagamos historia musical juntos!
💎Sound Engineer and Music Production Academy Audioplace (AES) Artists Pepsi Music +500k views Youtube +200k views Facebook +6.6k of shared in Facebook Urban music specialists
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Marsh Mastering is a top-tier, no compromises audio boutique with an outstanding global reputation specializing in custom audio mastering for today's Vinyl and Streaming formats while supporting all digital and analog legacy mastering formats.
Hi! Here at Noise Foundry we record, edit, mix and master bands and artists. We specialise in Rock, Metal and Alternative music production. We have been making records for over 10 years now, and have worked with bands from all over Europe, the US, Canada and South America.
Ryan specializes in mixing bands in a variety of genres including rock, folk, jazz, r&b, and pop. Ryan can also provide guitar and bass guitar composition and session work.
I am a DJ and producer
Quand la musique te choisis elle te choisis vraiment.
I Produced my Own Albums & Singles Sonic Boom , Wicked Alice , Luminosity of a Mad Hatter also I Made My Own Music Videos as-well
Variety Medicine is a top online pharmacy and we focus on providing the magic pill for your ill. We are one of the most reliable and popular online pharmacies in the nation who have experience in the pharmaceutical industry for a significant number of years. Our Mission Is to Provide a Simple, Honest & Affordable Approach to Health Care.
Zek Tyn aims to bring out the BEST version of your song/album/soundtrack possible.
Recent Successes
"Devin can do it all and do very well and do it very quickly. Fire!"
"Unbelievable! Very professional."
"This man does awesome work!!! Sounds 100% radio quality. I’ve been through 2 other producers who couldn’t even come close to Stereos sound. I definitley recommend! "
"What a pleasure to work with The Soundsmith, extremely professional throughout the process and he took great interest in always making sure his mixes were industry standard. I'm very happy with all my songs and I will..."
"I asked Echoboyy to sing lead vocals on my project and he did an outstanding job. Hi communication and attention to detail was top notch and he understood the direction I wanted. He has a huge vocal range full of dyna..."
"Working with Jessie was fantastic. We finished the song super fast and exactly as I imagined it should sound on the end. I can absolutely recommend Jessie to everyone."
"Lostchild is an incredible producer. He recently produced a song for me and it was everything I’ve ever wanted. Communication was great. I’m very pleased will be using lostchild again for future projects."
"Jacqui was remarkable on this project. She knew how to bring a touch of softness to it, and her ad libs are of great quality. Thanks to you Jacqui!"
"Sean elevated my mix beyond what I thought was possible. He understood the emotion of my songs, was super easy to communicate with and would definitely work with him again. "
"Mason is prompt, friendly, professional, and educated in his line of work. We will definitely be working with him again in the future."
"Sam was great to work with. He was very pro-active and helped me get my song to its next level. I appreciated his fast turnaround time and communication as well."
"always fun and easy working with Miriam. I was returned and will return again and again :)"