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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bethan
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- Latin Grammy winning engineer and producer who's worked with Lenine, Maria Gadú, Maria Bethania, Eek-a-Mouse, etc. - I'll edit, tune, mix and master your song!
Multi-instrumentalist, composer and music producer, Daniel Figueiredo was born in Cataguases, Minas Gerais and lives in Rio de Janeiro since 1999. He has been working with great artists such as Beth Carvalho, Cidade Negra, Edu Lobo, Falamansa, KLB, Ivete Sangalo, Daniela Mercury, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Maria Bethania, Sérgio Reis...
I am a classically trained composer working in film, theatre and experimental music. Also I play trumpet and I sing in various styles. My strong points are flexibility in genre and style, strong academic education and modern approach to creating music. Currently my focus in music is Armenian traditional duduk repertoire which I play on trumpet.
Professional singer, songwriter, and vocal producer. 55 million streams. Let's make hits!
30 years of experience in music business
30 years of experience in music business in audio and music production.
I've worked with Sandra Torrella, Flaw's Theorem, Jesus Armas, Bethany Jung and many more
My name is Cesar Machado and I'm a Drummer, Arranger, Producer and I have a recording studio of my own, and I do mixes.
Recent Successes
"Steve is the man when it comes to all forms of rock singing whether it's that right now rock or classic rock a la foreigner or Aerosmith wich is what he's been doing fo rme lately and killing it Thank you ..."
"Once again Vonzell was exceptional, delivering super impressive vocals that worked wonders for the song!! Absolutely 100% perfect!!! "
"I'll keep it short and simple: Dan is AMAZING! A fantastic person and an unreal, top-tier talent. Stop scrolling and hire him."
"Will is the real deal. Super great communicator and an obviously talented audiomancer. Turnaround was quick and he provided us with even more than we asked for. Super professional, and the quality of the mastered trac..."
"Michael is my go to guy every time. He cares about your track and wants you to love it - and that is much appreciated."
"Vincenzo did a wonderful job and performed the song perfectly to get what I wanted in the project. Great communication too! Thank you Vincenzo"
"Nick understood the job very quickly and produced professional high quality work. Will definitely be back for more acoustic work soon! Thanks :) "
"Austin is one of the best mixing engineers I've worked with. He's awesome with vocals and super communicative. highly recommend!"
"100 score perfect !!!!!!!! Best engineer Aaron !"