Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bergie fresh
Avid Certified Pro Tools User and Operator. Mix and master engineer Producer Artist
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You can give me a track or instrumental and I will make you a hit or a master piece with my voice and lyrics.
I’ve been in songwriting/artist performance for 10+ years. As a Christian artist, I am passionate about helping you write, arrange, produce, and release your music without bleeding your accounts, so pricing is extremely reasonable. My production skills apply mainly to Christian Music but I’ll consider clean, non-explicit material as well.
ANDROC STUDIO - Sound Quality First The studio offers elite audio services for your needs: Recording, Songwriting, Composition, Arrangement, Voice Over, Podcasting, Audio Restoration, Vocals Editing and Pitch Correction, Mixing and Mastering a final broadcast-ready product. Contact the studio and get the right service for you.
Just a 18 year old kid trying to make music for the same lost souls.
Look- I'm not a pro, and neither are you, but who's to say we can't both progress together? What I need: experience on mixing, and eventually credit (but that's way further down the line) What you need: to turn your average sounding project into something that resembles a professional mix What it costs: free, until I have enough experience
I am an experienced vocalist and topliner with a proven track record of delivering high-quality vocals and crafting catchy melodies for music projects. My original tracks are available on multiple platforms, and I have amassed over 13,000 followers on TikTok as an independent musician.
Moreslaw is an electronic artist and computer musician from Canada.
Looking for a unique and flawless sound to stand out in the music world? Success Beats offers professional mixing and mastering services to elevate your music to the highest quality, along with unique beats that complement and define your style. Success Beats is the ideal partner for both emerging and professional artists.
Recent Successes
"PARKER DELIVERS! He works extremely quick and provides quality ! Finished two tracks in less than 12 HOURS and was in contact the whole time super professional! He worked on the tracks til I was happy with results wil..."
"Can't say enough about the talent of Victor. He always has very quality ideas.... and the technical skills to make great things happen with our music. Thanks so much Victor!"
"He is amazing to work with and very talented. I've given him what I think are some pretty interesting parts that wouldn't typically be in a 'pop' song and he makes it all work! Super easy to work with and great commu..."
"There is a reason why Séb is a pro-singer/songwriter. He is literally one of the most talented artists in the industry. Working with him on my song really took it to a level that I didn't know could exist. When he sai..."
"I hire these guys all the time. Mike and the team always deliver. I give them a little midi horn and they quickly get it and develop my part into soulful genius horn parts! Love theses cats. "
"Francois was an absolute pleasure to work with. He has an excellent ear for detail and nuance. And he was extremely patient and understanding when dealing with revisions. I would definitely love to work with him aga..."
"Estou maravilhado em trabalhar com o Dibs the best mixer engenheiro. Sei que a cada música do meu álbum Bossa Nova Jazz Melody Brazillian o DibS será a pessoa certa para as minhas sessões.. Isso é incrivel, quase inac..."
"Nezzah Very Good Singer :) "