Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Berezina
I'm a Boston-based mixer & producer based that works with indie artists to help them craft their dream records. I also believe in sharing my knowledge and have done dozens of music production tutorials for iZotope and LEWITT.
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A up and coming Singer / Songwriter looking for clientel
My name is Max Rosagrata, I am an Ableton user who is skilled in the production, composition and mixing fields. I would love to be able to offer people my service.
I’m trying to accomplish the same as you, build a career out of this little thing called music. It’s a hard and long road, I’m here to help you get where you want to go. Let’s make a banger!
Delivering professional digital audio mastering & master lacquers. I have worked on several King Gizzard records, Juan MacLean (DFA), Correspondant, Disco Halal...
I'm a professional vocalist/songwriter, and I've been working as a singer/songwriter/vocal producer for 2+ yrs. Credits include commercial ads . I can also deliver high-quality vocals for your demos. Let's work together to create the next big hit!
I work as an SEO Executive at Regent Research Writing Pvt Ltd
Beatmaker and Producer
Recent Successes
"Naomi always delivers excellent vocals. She is remarkably talented and professional. I would highly recommend her."
"Very happy with Gosteffects, he took my feedback on board from the first edit and revised version was perfect. Nothing was a problem. Excellent communication and fast delivery!"
"Tony is a fantastic singer and a great professional! I highly recommend! "
"Jason is not only an excellent guitarist, but he really knows how to interpret the mood of a song well and create a guitar track that pairs and compliments the theme of a song to help bring out the emotions of the tra..."
"Jessie is great to work with. Her ideas were spot on, and she has an awesome voice! I am looking forward to working with her again soon - she's already done three projects for me."
"Anaya was super quick and swift with the responses, wow! She was quick to get the job done as well and was super honest with her review on my track. With that honest opinion, we were able to take a step in the right d..."
"Awesome work. For me, drums allways take a huge place In my songs. So I was looking fo a drummer with that special attiude and found it in Hugo If you are looking for a top drummer, I can highly recommend Hugo "
" I am 80 years- worked in Sales /Marketing for over 50 years; including International Sales!; after my military services as a Navy: CARRIER PILOT! Ada..."