Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bela calypso
#CHAOS Latest release : GIRLS LIKE THE WKND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2N3o_zwY8g
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On Staff Producers /Multi-Instrumentalist/ Engineers we're here to help paint the picture of emotion and transmitting a feeling to the listener. Genre range to Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, EDM and Gospel. We also have composed movies as well. Netflix Films "The Pit" (doc) "Mac & Devin Go to High School" and YG Bio inspired "Blame It On The Streets"
Hola! I'm a Colombian singer that specializes in Spanish vocals that are fun, sweet and romantic. I have many years of experience in the studio, so if you're looking for a voice that's smooth and charming, I'm your gal!
A Born and raised Los Angeles native with over 15 years of experience, the lyricist known as 2-Hye, is a fully independent hip-hop recording artist, song writer, label, and rights holder. Also known for music video directing, producing, and editing, 2-Hye is an all around entertainment extraordinaire, and he's open to do work-for-hire projects.
Berklee College of Music, Music Production and Engineering Program.
Creative Curator
I love making artwork based on music, using the beats and melodies to inspire the colour and flow of the art
Mixing Engineer, Producing, Guitar player, Songwriter.
Welcome to ADD Sound Engineering. I am Dusan Jovcic, I am an SAE-alumni mixing & master engineer specializing in EDM mix & mastering, signed to Spinnin Records and did mix and mastering for top record labels like Spinnin’ Records, Universal Music, Revealed Recordings, Armada Music and many more!
Recent Successes
"Excellent voice! Excellent job! The communication and workflow was also perfect, I will directly start a new job with Richard after this one ;)"
"Once again SeanQ delivers a hit song! SeanQ is a top notch songwriter and vocalist! If your looking for professional, Quality work then look no further you won't regret it!! I will definitely be working with SeanQ aga..."
"Another fantastic experience with Austin. He continues to demonstrate his talent and professionalism. A great communicator and very patient! Thanks again Austin!"
"Marcello is an incredible singer and a very good pro. It's been a pleasure to work with. The job was done in a week and everything was perfect. He adapted his vocal range perfectly to my song. I hope to work with thi..."
"Another stellar master that Tom made sparkle and pump. Knocked this one out of the park. Punchy, wide, bright and balanced."
"I worked with Peter on my latest album, and his acoustic guitar playing was truly exceptional. From the very first notes of the recorded track, I knew that he was a gifted musician. There was a beautiful tone and emot..."
"Matt worked on restoring vintage recordings from the '80s with quick turnaround for a deadline. As always, Matt came through – and went above and beyond!"
"I asked Niels for advice on his back catalogue and he furnished me with a full reply of what he has released and where to find it. I am very satisfied with Niels’s response. Thanks!"