Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BE/HOLD
I want to make the next Circle The Drain by Soccer Mommy.
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My name is Stephen Foeller, I'm an Audio Engineer/Producer from San Antonio, Tx. I have been producing/engineering for over 6 years now. Let me know how I can help your music become Studio Quality Level.
Multi-Instrumentalist and Producer / Mixing Engineer. I'm also an Audio Technology Student - so sound should be my thing right? I offer fair & reasonable prices, as well as well needed experience within the field. Let's make a tune!
Years as a touring musician. Film music creator and selector. Jim Rome used my music as stingers on his show. Production Sound Mixer for commercial, corporate, and documentary. Many credits including Steve Aoki - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead on Netflix. https://www.youtube.com/user/digging90650
Music leaks for YoungBoy subscribe to My YouTube channel music-leaks
To me, creating music is a parabolic flight - going up, falling down and be weightless - learn something new everyday and jump fearlessly into cold water. I have a high German / English / French singing voice also write songs. I had placements in e.g. Apple Music's biggest German contemporary pop playlist "Deutschpop (Deluxe)" or Spotify's "NMF"
Lottie Blogg: A dynamic and vibrant singer-songwriter, specialising in R&B, soul, pop, house and gospel. With boundless energy and a youthful spirit, Lottie captivates listeners with their powerful vocals and soul-stirring vocal recordings. She crafts mesmerising backing vocals and harmony arrangements that elevate every song.
Lifelong songwriter! Eight years experience mixing and producing indie and psychedelic rock, pop, hip hop, and lo-fi beats. I excel at recording electric and acoustic guitars, vocals, bass, keys / synth, drums, producing chill and dynamic beats. Equipped with an array of nice mics, instruments, and VSTs, I will take your project to the next level.
Hi, I'm a versatile pop/RnB vocalist and arranger with 24.3K followers on TikTok. I've sung duets with Natalie Weiss, AJ Rafael, and Pat Benetar. My videos have been recognized by Tori Kelly. Equipped by my a cappella and choral background, I have advanced sight reading skills, extensive bgv arranging experience, and impressive vocal agility.
Recent Successes
"Austin provides excellenct mix and master in a timely manner. The communication might sometimes take a few days because I believe he is really busy for what he does. Overall I am satisfied with my project. "
"Nacho's professionalism was outsanding, he really connected with what I wanted to achieve and was extremely easy to work with, showing a lot of patience as well as commitment. I'm extremely happy with the job he did m..."
"10/10 Would hire again! Spot on performance, fast turnaround!"
"Amazing work from John, If you're looking for the best production and mixing then MR. HO is the only one you should consider. "
"Chris is a total pro - great work, great communication - an easy five-star review!"
"Very happy with the solos that Amit did for my song. I asked for multiple versions and he send such beautiful solos. He is such a gifted guitar player, easy to work with and committed to your project and making sure y..."
"Garrett has a real feel for mastering and is generous in sharing his knowledge. He responds intelligently to stupid questions from me."
"JD simply knows what to do: e x c e l l e n t. Looking forward to repeat business."
"I believe Shelley has a unique and deep understanding of music and emotion. Everything she sings seems so effortless and natural. And most of all, she gave me confidence in writing my own stuff."