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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bayfleet
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Hello! My name is Daniel Connolly. I'm a professional producer, musician, songwriter. I’m currently in the London based bands Sisteray and Happy Science have worked on a lot of successful releases, leading to over a million Spotify streams.
Austin DIY record label w/ studio for hire. Can record, mix and master. Help manage bands around the ATX area. Also manage a YouTube channel with live sessions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Wy1EAVtlg
I'm an artist, a writer...here's an example from a recent track of mine..."in description below"
Creating only spiritual sound
No matter what the project, Brian goes into each mix with the utmost attention to detail and intent to make it the greatest record possible.
Pro Violinist and Indie Alternative Folk Singer-Songwriter, with over a decade of experience in crafting musical experiences, both in the studio and live.
Music Producer/Instrumentalist/Lyricist from Richmond, VA Member of Butcher Brown via Concord Jazz Trumpet and Saxophone on the menu
Experienced music producer with studios in Brazil, specializing in CCM, POP, Orchestral, and Cinematic productions. As a multi-instrumentalist, I bring creativity and technical precision to every project, delivering high-quality tracks that elevate your music to new heights.
Recent Successes
"Robert is a great professional in his business. He knows how your songs should sound. I'm so excited about his work! Highly recommended!"
"Tony B is the real deal. Hire this man. Takes tracks to the next level. "
"Nate's a pro. Will definitely be working with him again in the future!"
"Corey is the best in the game ! What else can I say ? The man is a genius!!!"
"Victoria was great. She was time oriented and communication was always clear. Good clean stems as well. And she was very good at fitting the style of the track! "
"Yes yes yes he has done it again, excellent vocal tracks and melodic line what gets a bad song to an unbelievable good song, THX my bro we have 3 more to go. Perfect as always."
"This was another amazing job done by Lydia. She has approached it with full sense of professionalism and ownership. She has added tremendous value with her vocal interpretation and harmonies that she has introduced. S..."
"Bruce is a PROFESSIONAL musician! Easy communication, open to suggestions and deliver everything on time!! Great experience working with him!! Graaciaaaas Bruce!"