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Bass Fretless in italy and italy who worked with Italy
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Singer/ Chorus, Ethnical Voice- Japanese traditional, Okinawa ethnic, Celtic ethnic chorus(Buorgarian Voice) / Songwriter- pops, musical, Anime Game pops, classical pops / Top-liner / Piano /Piano arrangement
This is my life's passion to make music and create works of audio art. I'll work tirelessly to ensure your vision is exceeded in completion.
Composer, multi-instrumentalist from Montevideo, Uruguay
Geoff Saba, Sound Artist. Experimental drives, respectfully critical of tradition. Heavily informed by critical theory, post-structuralism, Jungian psychoanalysis, and the physical / intellectual / spiritual desires to create and produce art in the world.
All the way from Buenos Aires to your recording studio, my main priority is to make it groove!
Classically trained award-winning composer specializing in mixing and mastering instrumental music. I've won many awards for my classical concert music, and I'm all about subtlety, craft, and skill in my studio. I efficiently deliver professional work at industry standard, am easy to work with, and always keep your needs in focus.
Collaborate with R&B's rising star and BMR Music Group recording artist, LEIRA. Dynamic, Versatile, and a Powerhouse, Leira specializes in R&B, Soul, Afrobeat, and Pop. LEIRA's voice has been heard globally, in over 70 countries incl. the U.S., South Korea, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Australia, the U.K., & more. Book her today!
Music Producer, Singer, Multi-Instrumentalist, Mixing and Mastering Engineer with more than 15 years of experience in the industry. Credits include Universal Music, Sony Music and a lot of Indie Labels in styles like Pop, Rock, EDM, RnB and Singer/Songwriter.
Recent Successes
"It was a brilliant experience working with Ziv. He met a very tight deadline with ease, and delivered quality guitar work. A great musician, great communication, and super professional throughout. I look forward to wo..."
"Toyroom brought the magic to our film in his beautiful and emotional music."
"Bram - don't know what you do BUT you are awesome! You bring up a song to a banger. Love what you do! And how you do it for sure! Guys - please give him a try! "
"Jeronimo is one of the easiest people to work with, and he carries a lot of passion for his work. Throw in his level of skill, and you've got an incredible mix engineer. He executed all feedback flawlessly, with amazi..."
"Tim was excellent -- friendly, professional, and extremely prompt with messaging and delivering the final tracks. Most importantly, he captured the sound I was looking for; the masters are louder and clearer than anyt..."
"Amazing work! Will is very professional and a pleasure to work with! Great communication, he understood the feedback perfectly and took my song to the next level. I highly recommend him! Looking forward to working o..."
"Brittany did exceptionally well! She took my ideas and transformed them into reality. She not only provided captivating vocals but also wrote compelling lyrics and skillfully mixed the song. Her diverse range of talen..."
"I can’t say enough great things about Brooke!! She was very patient with me as I am new to this. Her voice touched my soul when I heard it on the song. She is just amazing!!! I am already working with her on another ..."
"3 seconds left on the clock, Ziv has the ball, he shoots….he scores!! Game over! Ziv rocks it again!! Evoking so much emotion into this track called My Full Attention, right off the bat Ziv’s art had my attention! ..."