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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Basko Believes
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Take your next song to the next level with professional audio mixing to give your tracks something unique or to bring them up to industry level.
Online Session Drummer with 25 years of recording experience.
Ingénieur du son et régisseur général depuis plus de 28 ans, je suis passionné par mon métier et j’ai su élargir une large palette de méthodes et de techniques de l'enregistrement, du mixage et du mastering.
Honest and open Mixing Engineer & Producer with experience in a wide range of genres, styles and techniques that worked with Mårran, Stockholm Syndrome, Johan Klingwall to mention a few. Whether it's Pop, Rock, Techno or Metal, my red thread in my sound would probably be described as hard, big and slamming.
Looking for great drum tracks (processed or raw files) or we can track multiple instruments here..Contact us !!!
GETTING TO KNOW OVERTONE and THROAT SINGING EXPERT AND VOCALIST EXTRAORDINAIRE: ILARIA OREFICE She gave her voice for cinematic music with various styles like shamanic, celtic, mongolian and tuvan style and more,special attention to Overtone Singing and Throat Singing.
Bo, known profesionally as Bochinx, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter from San Fransisco, California. Bochinx was born on October 24, 2001 in California. The young rapper was exposed to his love for music at a young age.
I'm 1 of the BEST in the business and the industry's best kept secret!
Recent Successes
"Esislava is talented and fun to work with. She nailed the recording from the first time. Her communication skilles are amazing and I really recommend her "
"Hans is an excellent singer and was very personable and easy to work with. He has a great work ethic and gives the project his all. I would definitely work with him again."
"I hired Rob for the mix and master of a dark instrumental electronic track of mine. Needless to say, he slayed. Think of Patrick Swayze as Bodhi in Point Break getting the perfect tube while Keanu watches in awe f..."
"Denny was supper easy to work with. he took all my requirements into action and deliver the vocals and edits in a good time. highly recommend Denny as the vocalist for your track "
"Tony is an amazing singer and has an incredible deep voice which easily express emotions! Tony is also very professional and a nice person to work with so I will definitely work with him again in the future!"
"Ky is very professional, as far as I can tell she only makes grade A music she's helpful though the process and very attentive to any questions you may have. "
"It was a pleasure to work with Morgane! She produced my track from scratch with beautiful ambient synth sounds and the mixing process was also very well done. She is very easy to work with and she understands all the ..."
"Esjay & I teamed up on another powerhouse song & I'm running out of words to describe how PHENOMENAL it is to create with her! She quickly latched on to the meaning behind this song & really poured her heart & soul in..."
"Very talented musician! Thank you for the quick replies and for being so accommodating!"
"Bram always knows, how to nail goals! Master was on point!"