Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Barry Manilow One Last Time Concert Tour
I am a musical theatre actress and choral singer based in NYC; I have sung backup for music legends such as Barry Manilow and have collaborated on several new works regionally including new music from Stephen Schwartz.
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Currently working as in-house mixing & mastering engineer at Sony Music. I have experience as a singer and songwriter, as well as 7 years of beatmaking and recording experience on a professional level. I'm the one-man-machine you need to finish any aspect of your production, whether it be as a singer, songwriter, topliner, producer or engineer.
I have quite a few TV & Film Credits as well as songwriting credits.
Hi! I've interned at Horizon Music Studios with Vic Steffens, which had a number of #1 R&B albums on Billboard. I have a master certificate in guitar and songwriting from Berklee and have worked with various artists including an NPR show of The Last Poets and videos for Elle Sera, as well as a famous artist I signed a privacy contract with.
Composer for media. Currently working on the video game Kilta by myTrueSound.
My job is to beautify the world through levels. Find clarity, balance and strength in everything that has to do with Audio. Equalize, pan, compress, raise and lower levels. Years of study and experience have given me the tools, knowledge and tricks to make quality mixing and mastering. I am obsessed with perfectionism and in everything I do.
Producer / POP, R&B, HIPHOP
As a Producer, Composer, Arranger, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, and Multi-instrumentalist, I offer my specialized services in various musical genres: Pop, Rock, Acoustic, Ballad and Latin. My goal is to achieve the perfect sound for your project.
Recent Successes
"It was really great to work with Dylan. The communication has been excellent, and I really really love the result- which is superb!! Will definitely come back again!"
"Andres is incredible - he was able to breath life into my mix, providing the glue that we needed for a successful single launch. So grateful, and will be continuing with Andres in the future."
"Working with Heidi was a tremendous pleasure. She was communicative, polite, listened to my needs for the project and hit it out of the park within the first draft. You will not be disappointed if you hire her for you..."
"2 new songs with Giancarlo. Amazing!"
"Nomad was amazing to work with! He made sure to really take the track and make it his own, by trying different variations and really channeling the mood and feel of the song I was looking for. Also did a few takes to ..."
"DJ Rest was spot on. He selected cuts that went along with the narrative of the song and added the sparkle i was after for my track. "
"Denis Emery always always delivers. We appreciate the professionalism, the great communication and of course, the amazing work - we always look forward to having him work on our musuc."
"Killian is truly one of a kind. This project was for my teen daughter. He was so supportive and encouraging from start to finish. Quality of his work is just mind blowing. Definitely will be working with him in the fu..."