Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Barbi Queen
Passionate musician, writer of experiences and feelings, music lover, guitarist, pianist and Musical Composition student
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Majored in music production so let's make this happen!
I have engineered many tracks for artists that have been streamed several million times on spotify and youtube.
Artist following new innovative music
I am a mixing and mastering engineer who owns a Studio in Pittsburgh, PA. I have mixed for many artists locally and would love to mix your next project.
Featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists, BBC Introducing radio stations andAmazing Radio, I am a London-based singer-songwriter and producer. I can write high-quality lyrics for your track and turn them around at a fast pace. I have done vocal tracks for artists signed to independent labels. I can do anything from dance to soul vocals
I study the music industry very well and know that I need to make waves in this HipHop Rap/Trap Game to really make a growing name for myself.
I'm most well known as the singer and guitarist of my band, Bleak Mystique. I produce all of our music and have worked with many other artists based in Colorado and elsewhere.
Extreme Vocals
Recent Successes
"Another amazing experience working with Dylan. He totally killed it on the drums and captured the vibe of the songs perfectly. I can't recommend him enough!!"
"Working with Carlos is absolutely amazing! He is really patient and helpful, and will help you with your masters until they are to your liking."
"perfect vocalist! great to work with this guy!"
"Fred mastered our entire album at this point and he has a great sound and is easy to work with!"
"Very professional and understanding. Quality of work is really good, I will be definitely working with her again. "
"I had a song parody that I wanted a professional to record for me. I could not be happier to have chosen Johnny Walker. My song came out just how I imagined. He was very prompt with my song as well as contacting me..."
"Chad Dexter was phenomenal to work with. From the jump he was willing to work with my military situation and maintained positive energy about my project for months before we were able to work. He was quick to respond ..."
"Yoad is an amazing sound engineer with impressive music profile, dealing with Yoad was pretty awesome, he is patient, knows what exactly it needs to deliver the best results, so happy with the process as well, quick a..."
"Highly skilled, interactive and knowledgeable. Speaks good English and communicative. "