Banjo in Sri Lanka
It is fair to say not many discover their passions quite as early as BAAL. It wasn’t long into his teenage years before he’d develop an insatiable thirst for crate digging — flipping through record after record picking out the dancefloor gems that would further ignite his passion for music.
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NitroBlast Recording Studio Here at NitroBlast Recording Studio we have seen a number of Music genres that have developed since the emergence of Subcategories in Metal, Rock, Rap, Jazz, Blues, Country and on . now in todays genres there is no more Recording style Specifically to that genres . Todays listener has developed a wide rang of musical
I want to connect your music to people. Capture the mind, move the body, awaken the soul. Notable credits: Lecrae, Sarah Simmons, Terrian Bass, and Carolina Story
Tom Dobrzanski is a Juno nominated Canadian record producer, engineer, mixer, musician and studio owner of Monarch Studios. He is known for working with bands like Said The Whale, The Zolas, We Are The City, and many other successful Canadian artists.
Ten years and running mixing from the old school rap to trap and drill music.
Mix and mastering engineer, credits include Nebula Black, and Halo In Reverse
Wrote, Recorded & Released over 30 projects in the last 4 years that range in the Alternative, Hip Hop, trap & pop Genres I have over 10 years of experience. (6 out of those 10 years we're focused on artist & songwriting development) Willing to work with your budget.
Repeatedly broadcasted TV composer and a concert pianist. I compose piano pieces for ambiance.
"Yeah Boiiii"- John Witherspoon.... If you know you know.
Recent Successes
"Working with Sunnie is awesome!! Her voice is one of a kind and on both songs she has brought my words to life more than I could have hoped for. I will definitely have her do vocals for my other songs as I move forwar..."
"Mark is who I trust with all my mixing. Great communication, great feedback, speedy and high quality results. I cannot be happier with his work, bless!"
"Matt is very professional! Should you desire to work "top-notch" person who's very passionate and knows his craft, he's your man. He's very punctual, knowledgeable, and a subject-matter-expert when it comes to audio...."
"TJ was a great pleasure to work with - efficient, understanding, patient and above all delivers the highest quality. A must if you are looking for your songs to pop off the canvas and feel alive."
"Trabajar con Andrés es de lo mejor, el trabajo es impecable, la paciencia y el profesionalismo de 10, hace todo para que tu canción llegue hasta donde tenias pensado o mas.. excelente!!!"
"We are lucky to have access to someone with Daniela's intuition and experience through this service. Take advantage of her and book with confidence."
"Nikos is a legend and I can't recommend him enough!!! "