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Banjo in Iran who worked with Irán
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Sound Design, editing, mixing for Film and TV
I'm a classically-trained pianist who will add flair and sophistication to your track, no matter what genre you need! I specialize in anything from pop to electronic, jazz to R&B, hip-hop to indie, rock to jazz. My purpose in music is to tell stories, share emotions and expression, and pursue social change.
Joe Kelly Jr. is a dynamic producer, recording/mix engineer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and performer known for his original music and lyrics rooted in the human condition and convictions.
Pete has been a guitarist and guitar teacher for over 30 years. He founded a rock academy charity for teenagers called Reading Rock Academy to nurture the next generation of original artist and musicians in and around my home town. He is also competent live looper performer (#TheLiveLooper).
Producer, Songwriter and Mixer.
Hi, I'm Evan. Thank you for clicking on my listing! I take pride in delivering high quality, radio-ready, polished work on every single project. I am blessed by God to do this and I give 100%. I am a multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar, bass) with over 20 years of piano playing experience and I have been producing music for 6 years.
Let's complete your song without breaking the bank!
making trap hip hop beats...
Recent Successes
"Peter really is an outstanding engineer, and an absolute pleasure to work with. I was nervous to find the “right” person to tune and time the songs for my EP, but as soon as we began working together it became clear t..."
"Louise made me feel very understood. The songs keep getting better. I'm definitely sticking with him. He is such a pro."
"The results with Andres are always totally satisfactory!!"
"Great professional and the Mix Coaching really helps to see things from other perspective, because as mixing engineer you are too much in the song and cant hear little differences that can help mastering process in th..."
"I contacted Jason for a quick turnaround drum track on a blues/rock track. As the song was for a family event I needed a really quick turnaround and Jason delivered the perfect drum track in a day. Very professional w..."
"Gary is great to work with, He wants to make a great song every time and is willing to listen to my suggestions and also give them when needed. He is willing to stick it through when things get tough and I apprec..."
"It was great working with Eric. Could not be happier with the end result. "