Banjo in Fort Worth
I am a seasoned guitarist with a diverse portfolio that includes performances ranging from the Dallas Symphony to country and gospel. I am well-equipped to bring your musical vision to life through creative and musical guitar parts. Don't hesitate to send me your track, at any stage it may be, and I'll help actualize your musical vision.
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EDM ARTIST Singer/Songwriter/Producer of electronic dance music
I've been producing music for over a decade.
I mix to maximize your music's capacity for connecting with people; Budman., The Fall Line, Tianda and more.. My experience and vast skillset on both sides of the glass (and then some) means I truly know where you are coming from and am distinctly capable at helping you get where you're going.
Credited by Universal Music, BBC One TV, David Guetta, Diplo, Monstercat, Zeds Dead, Spotify Editorial Playlists, etc
We're good.
music is life
Nail The Mix student, worked with many bigger local bands and artists.
Elevate your music with my 13+ years of studio experience. I offer music production, sound engineering, mixing, mastering, vocal recording, and in-studio sessions. Let's create something remarkable!
Recent Successes
"Talented guy, great ear, fun to work with!"
"Dope artist, amazing voice, professional! "
"Austin did a great job with my track and the mix and I'm super stoked with the end result! Thanks Austin and I'm looking forward to doing more great music together! - BH"
"Mario did a great job! He managed to keep the vibe of the song, while giving it a much more competitive sound, making the production "pop" out a lot more. Also easy to communicate with. The delivery was also on point,..."
"It was a great experience working with Merty Shango! He is a very patient guy,and is a perfectionist when it comes to his craft! Thanks again Merty,for all that you did to help me bring my passion of writing to life!"
"Mike is very patient and accommodating. He’s a very skilled musician and nailed the track on the first try with ease. It was exactly what I needed. It was a breeze working with him. Contact Mike today! "
"As usual - perfect! Many thanks!"