Banjo in Connecticut
I have been playing guitar, bass, mandolin, lap steel, and banjo professionally in and around CT since I was 11. Since then (about 9 years) I have played about 200 live gigs and more recently have been working to focus on session work.
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Chen Shriki Sound Engineer
Over 5M streams. Ready to work with you.
I am a lifelong musician with an ear for detail. No matter what you feel you're missing within your track, we will find out what that is and fix it together. Except singing ... You don't want to hear me sing.
Argüello is an artist producer and DJ, he is also a music producer and beatmaker, making hits for another artists.
I've been writing songs for over 35 years. This has yielded some 300 songs, 28 GRAMMY Ballot Nominations, Over 3,000 touring shows played in North America, 18 albums, 2 Publishing Companies, a Talent Agency and a music collective. I get things done and can help you in everyway.
I write dope ass songs, some in my voice range, some in others. Book now before I go Platnium and my prices go up.
Singer , Musician
Am Stevoow Stevoow12 am still a star in the making.
Recent Successes
"Another track sounding 10 times better than when I started. Austin makes it seem like child's play and is fun to work with. "
"Enjoyed working with Chris! She created a super good, catchy and professional topline for my track! "
"Ayrian provided the vocals that I needed for the story being told in my song...not to mention she provided creative and awesome vocal arrangement! Communication, quality of work, and timely delivery was above excell..."
"Second collaboration, and more to come! Perfect service and amazing vocals done in a short amount of time. Great communication, and a good price for top notch vocals. You can listen to what he did for me here: htt..."
"Leandro is a true gentleman, very keen to ensure what he gives you is what you desire..If you have certain ideas of what is required this is very useful and I always have specific and strong notion of what I would l..."
"Michelle is a highly experienced vocalist and songwriter. In a short time, she has delivered radio-ready vocals and backgrounds for my songs. Her knowledge of pop-genre has improved my English lyrics for the better. S..."
"The best mastering we've had so far. We really like low end, the tight punchy kick, and analogue sheen. And it's definitely loud although it doesn't sound like the audio has been harmed in any way. Andres listened to ..."
"You nailed it once again. A true Pleasure working with you KC"
"I really enjoyed working with Martin! "