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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bando Jonez
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Best Hip Hop Mixing
I am a 10 year mixing engineer that has worked in some of the west coasts top studios. I mainly mix for clients now online only as my main line of work. I mix just about any genre, Rock, Alt, Metal, Punk, Jazz, Blues. I'm known for getting that "real" sound in your mixes without over sampling drums and keeping the mix simple, how it should be.
I'm a professional session singer from Houston, TX, frequently visiting LA and New York. I am experienced in Pop, R&B, Soul, Jazz and musical theatre and I can create the sound your are looking for! I have been recording with numerous producers around the world and my versatility, ear and experience will allow me to deliver the vocals you need!
Accomplished Los Angeles based free lance/session bassoonist performing in Commercial, Broadway, Film Score, Orchestral, and Chamber Music. Performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl, Prince/ Clare Fisher Orchestra, and played the premiere revival of Charlie Chaplin's film The Circus with his original score at Chaplin Studios
The Bronx has been sparking much buzz with a variety of experimental artists like King Ceazar who has finessed his fresh east coast swag with a midwest sound. KingCeazar is back in the mix with the release of his official music video for Dog Food. KingCeazar is a promising young rap talent based in the United States. Though his brand is in its ear
Hi! I’m Katie - A 10x award winning singer-songwriter and performer based in Santa Cruz, CA. I specialize in pop, folk, indie, and singer-songwriter genres for songwriting, session singing, and top-liner work.
1/3 of BORNE ALOFT - with releases on Maceo Plex's label - Ellum Audio. I provide professional mixing, mastering, sound design and music production services at very accessible prices.
Sound Selection Serves Superior Souls
Recent Successes
"I really enjoyed working with Sefi. He made everything super easy and completely understood what I was looking for. I asked a lot for the song and he was able to take all my notes and turn my song into a song I love. ..."
"Keria was a pleasure to work with. very quick turn around! She is really professional and cares about your music being the best it can be. She had just the right style I was looking for my song. Her voice is amazi..."
"He is an awesome and absolutely amazing, talented producer with a passio. To deliver the best possible song. Very collaborative and oh so talented. Will definitely work together again!!! "
"Mark's a great guy to work with. He's patient and wants the best for his client. Cheers, Mark. "
"Very Talented and quick turn around time...I've used Ryan before he always thinks of creative ideas to enhance my music! "
"Dave did a fantastic job. He turned my album into a cohesive unit that translates well across speaker systems. I would absolutely hire him again. "
"Kyle is the guy you need for drums. He can play any style and is the best fit for anything you need. I threw a different kind of project at him this week and he absolutely killed it! "
"Mark helped me a lot with my project! We worked together 2 years ago with 'Omofukuni', he did wonderful job. I am so happy to ask him again with 'Never Say Never'. I can't wait to complete my project soon! Thank you..."