Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Baldo Verdu
Years of engineering and music production experience, creative flare and a passion and love for music and every project I’m given the privilege to work on.
Putting together the coldest R&B, Hip Hop & Trap. I will take your ideas and bring them to live, making your record the waviest it can be.
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Jared Chance Taylor is a composer/songwriter, vocalist, band director, producer, and mixing engineer. Beyond his career as a songwriter who has performed in a wide variety of America's top concert venues, Jared scores for Film/TV with recent projects including bodies of work for ESPN & Amazon.
Nico Vetter provides full service around music production of any genre.
Will provide an excellent sounding mix and take any feedback into account.
I make surreal animated Spotify Canvas video loops for musicians like PACKS, Beds and more
150 plus five star reviews online. With over 20 years of experience as a songwriter and producer I have a proven track record of exceeding expectations. I specialize in turning lyrics and rough demos into professional full song productions with vocals, full instrumentation, mixing, and mastering.
Courtland Mixing Mastering
Session Artist/Engineer for hire with 10+ years experience in production & performance. Vocals, guitar & bass / audio editing, time-alignment, tuning, mixing & mastering.
Recent Successes
"Fred quickly mastered my track way before the deadline and it sounds just how I like it. He is THE go-to mastering engineer."
"Zefan doing well with this job, and I satisfied with the result. Hopefully Zefan can do a lot of music job and will success in the future."
"Again Aya was lovely to work with. She was very accomodating and dedicated in respect to ensuring she delivered what I was after in a vocal. She has a very cool, modern and radio ready tone. I look forward to worki..."
"I love working with Terminus Horns! They are amazing musicians and so good to work with. This is my second time to work with them, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next song in February! "
"I'd thoroughly recommend Dave and Hiltongrove Mastering. I gave him an ok-ish mix and a blank page and I got it back sounding better than I thought it ever could, wrapped in velvet, with mix clarity and width, beautif..."
"Kuyano worked on a Master and got it sounding exactly how it needed to sound. Very quick turnaround time, and such a pleasure to work with! I will work with him in the future and highly recommended. "
"total professional in every way! "
"It was fantastic to work with Leo once again. He helped me create a beautiful piano arrangement for one of my songs. Leo's work is always of the highest quality, and I look forward to our next collaboration. "
"Simon is AMAZING! He's so talented and an exceptionally great person to work with, and I'm very grateful to have found him here. I'm thrilled with the final mix! "