Bagpipe in A Coruña
Hey there! I'm Antonio Bustabad, your seasoned session musician specializing in diverse gaitas and flutes. With a knack for infusing projects with a distinctive style, I'm here to add that special touch to your music.
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Sound Engineer, with great interest and knowledge of technologies for live sound and in the field of audio production and post production for film and television. Excellent relationships, high sense of belonging, leadership, and disposal facility for team work, great attitude for generating ideas, analytical skills, speed and timeliness of decision
I mix and master your songs and make them wide,punchy and clear without any loss of quality and musical vision. I work in the box with the top-state of art software and with analog consoles and the best outboard hardware.
At Root 73, we understand the importance of delivering a professionally finished track that captivates listeners and stands out in today's competitive music industry.
Producer - Multi instrumentalist
I can make your vocals absolutely pop and cut through the mix. Very fast and efficient mixing, especially on mp3/wav beats! Can also record your vocals if you're in Toronto.
My style is mostly soundscapes with many layers of synths, very harmonic. Music for the soul with modern electronic instrumentation mixed with some real instruments.
Dyna Remix Young Producer From Cambodia.
I have written over 350 songs, attended songwriting workshops, taken songwriting course, read books about songwriting and am soon moving to Nashville. I love songwriting more than anything and am very passionate about it. I will write a beautiful ballad about literally any subject.
Recent Successes
"Killian is the ultimate musician - great ideas, perfect mixes and a passion for music that you can feel in all of his songs. It’s amazing that we live in a day and age where we can reach out to producers like him thr..."
"sian time and dedication to the craft definitely shows and in her mixes. shes got a bright future and i highly recommend."
"Quincy was super easy to communicate/ work with and has such a stunning voice!! Will definitely work with again!"
"It's always our great pleasure working with Moon!!"
"It was such a pleasure working with Ilya. He is really talented and has a unique, distinctive voice that can work great with many different genres. I highly recommend! "
"Absolutely brilliant, great to work with, quick, responsive, and happy to do tweaks. Did proper stem masters, can't knock him. Look forward to working with Anthony more in future."
"RAFA's attention to detail is one BEAUTIFUL looking trademark 🤩 All his little creative decisions throughout are TOP NOTCH 😃 The American muscle car radio simulation turned out to be the highlight of the song !! RAFA'..."
"Brett makes making music so fun!!! AMAZING Creative prowess and definitely has the ability to make visions become reality"