Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Backstreets
Finishing Records for Talented Music-Makers Top 1% of mastering engineers worldwide (MUSO.AI Charts), Apple Digital Masters certified provider, 12 million streams across Spotify and YouTube.
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I'm a composer, singer and arranger. Engaged in the production of more than 10 years. Worked as a well-known and unknown artists. I have higher musical education. Love my work and therefore do it with pleasure.
Jean Pierre Franceschi conocido como "Paradoxx" o @Paradoxxjean en redes sociales, nació en Panamá City, Panamá el 11 de noviembre de 1995 , inicio en el mundo del entrenimiendo en 2014 como creador de contenido en redes sociales incluso llegando a crear famosas parodias en colaboración con Youtubers e Instagramers reconocidos de su país.
My experience ranges from touring in a punk band to co-writing songs with pop artists to mixing country albums.
Ganadores de 2 premios arpa a mejor álbum musical
honestly I only want the benefits vst of this page
I'm an Etherical and Lyrical, Sultry Sweet Singer that will touch your soul
I'm a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer from Cologne, Germany. Via busking videos across Europe, I've built up my own fan community on Instagram under my nickname tas_phania . With the 1st single "Dear Brave New World" of my new self-produced upcoming album, I hit the Spotify editorial playlist "Rockin' Vibes".
Recent Successes
"I can't recommend Vintage Division enough. Throughout the whole process he was friendly, patient, punctual and hardworking. It was clear that his priority was to ensure I was 100% pleased with the outcome and he did..."
"Very professional musician.He delivered more than expected from him.Recommend him to every producer out there."
"Alex was super fast and easy to work with! his production is KILLER! I sent it to afew labels and it’s currently under negotiation for a label deal thanks to this guy! I’ll Definitely be working with alex again!"
"I am so glad I worked with Erik on this project, he was the perfect producer for it! He is super fast, professional, and was very flexible and open to my suggestions. Totally recommend him and would love to work wit..."
"Excellent work. Just what the song needed. Highly recommend. "
"Professional, quick to respond, and amazing quality. Hadi is about to blow up as a musician, singer, etc. I'm glad I was able to work with him."
"Marcelo made me the best offer of lots of people on Soundbetter and went the extra mile for me. Great communication and very professional. Would recommend!"