Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with B Alvee
Drummer for 24 years, Guitarist for 7 years, Producer for 14 years, & Engineer for 2 years
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Metalworks Institute graduate that is looking to provide quality work at an affordable rate.
I have a love for all genres and a good ear for making sounds "pop". This opportunity is perfect for low-budget projects, but I welcome high profile projects as well.
I’m a multi-genre music producer who has been making music for the last 17 years. In short, I have worked on over 1,000 audio projects in my career spanning clients across 31% of the countries on the planet. This includes recording artists, film and TV sync, audio logos, and much more.
An ear for detail is one of my gifts and I will use it to make your track delicious. Thousands of hours of experience creating, mixing and mastering music. I developed these skills is because I'm obsessed with beautiful mixing and craftsmanship. No matter who you are or what your music is like, I will work with you to bring out it's full potential.
highness or lowness
Indie/R&B singer/songwriter/producer from London
Multi Platinum Dolby Certified Mixing and Mastering Engineer 20 Years Experience. Recent Clients: Luché, Fabri Fibra, Geolier, Baby Gang, Lele Blade, Lazza, Paky, Shiva, Slf, Vale Lambo, MV Killa, Yung Snapp, Tony Effe, Ghemon, Ernia, Edoardo Bennato, Fred de Palma, Rose Villain and some more... Thanks for being here!
You can get almost any kind of drum sounds from me for your songs~I will do my best for you songs! I always love to try something new, something interesting.
Recent Successes
"I came to Harry with a fully produced song looking for a competitive mix (in the Shawn Mendes style) and he not only KILLED the mix, he elevated the song to a new level. On top of that, he was able to meet my impossib..."
"I have now done several projects with NT - some vocal only and some full production - and everyone has been outstanding. This most recent song was unique because we worked closely together to take this song in a total..."
"Nacho is just amazing! He intuitively understood what I wanted and needed. I was so thrilled with the results on every level!"
"It's just so good to have found someone who understands you personally and musically. Camilo gilds my songs. I am very grateful for that. Thank you Camilo ❤️🔥. You're doing great! Keep it up! 🌱Elen"
"Dan is great / fast and always spot on "
"Awesome master as always....Very glad to work with Vlm again.."
"Unique and lovely vocals, professional, communicative and fast to deliver! It was wonderful working with you, Julie, thank you! "
"Byron and me really investigated something big together (I brought my whole album into a set to play live or on a video), and he did an outstanding job helping me. We communicated well about the ideas, flew through th..."
"I really enjoy working with Charlie - he brings new creative ideas to every project."