Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Azzurra Music
Let's talk about you. You have a vision of the sound you have in your own mind whether we're talking about describing an image trough music or the vibes you want to achieve in your own song. That's what I like the most! Helping you giving your vision life through my more than 20 years experience in the music industry.
I'm a creative drummer and draw inspiration from music. My main goal is to create a connection with my client and their music.
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ELITEmusical Empresa con 30 años de experiencia dentro del mundo de la música, con distribución oficial de más de 20 marcas y servicio técnico propio. Nos dedicamos a la venta de Instrumentos musicales aunque también ofrecemos diversos servicios al usuario como: • WEB: Con más de 22.000 artículos ONLINE para el músico con distribución en exclusiva
I'm a local sound Designer that is good with creating large imaginative worlds
Sou um produtor musical e criativo, focado em músicas para desfiles e ambientes diversos...estou sempre a procura de novos talentos e novos sabores para incluir em meu portifólio.
I have mixed for undiscovered talent here in Atlanta. I am looking to expand my network outside of Atlanta. I have credit for sound design for a student film titled Hashtag F.
Audio: FOH and monitor mixing, familiar working with Pro Tools and Logic Pro X, and able to work in most audio consoles
Professional and massive sounding modern metal & rock mixing! Over 10 years of experience, would love to bring your songs to life. [Credits include: Detestor, We Are Obscurity, Drug Flash, The Burden Of Atlas, Queen Kona]
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Hire #1 Dance USA Radio producer GESES to make your next project stand out. Wether you need better drums, new synths made, more depth and richness or a total production made, I am here to help achieve your vision in no time.
Recent Successes
"Deserves more stars. Super quick work flow and super professional."
"This is my third time working with Bea and i won't be my last cos she is simply one of the best pop singers i have encountered.Even my colleague producer who is on tour with Taylor Swift describes her voice as a Dream"
"Once again... Kyle May made my day! He nailed it and gave me plenty to work with for arranging/mixing with with a revision and percussion loop. "
"Really enjoyed working with Juliet, she is very professional, can work in many styles, did a great job and provided the high quality vocal files. Happy to deal! "
"Working with Tokyo Project on my recent music production project has been an absolute game-changer. From start to finish, he exhibited an unparalleled level of expertise and creativity that completely exceeded my expe..."
"Amazing experience with Birk as ALWAYS. He delivers every single time. Such an incredible producer!! Can't recommend enough."
"Great person, producer and artist Looking forward ti work more with Kevin. You won’t be disappointed when choosing him "
"Working with Patrick was very easy and professional. The work he did was amazing and knew what I wanted! He was also very understanding when something could be added/changed for the direction! I highly recommend worki..."