Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ayça Özefe
My primary purpose is to understand my client's vision, production, and wishes. Your demo, brief, and reference songs help me understand your ideas. I love creating big, vintage but modern sounds.
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More providers:
Editing, Recording, Mixing, Live Sound (FOH and Monitor)
Looking for that new Pop/R&B sound? I'm here to help! Currently working for artists and labels worldwide with my production company Made On The Road out of a converted studio bus... add a wild story to your promotion by saying it was produced around the world! Hit me up, let's talk about what YOU want from your music and I'll make it happen.
I am a songwriter and vocalist specializing in lyrics and melody. My vocal style works best for rnb and pop songs, but my songwriting abilities range from rnb, pop and indie, to country and folk/acoustic.
Playing keys, some drums. Love flying lotus, jdilla, binkbeat, Taylor McFerrin, Yussef Dayes, Cinematic Orchestra.
Dolby Atmos Mixing Engineer in a beautiful studio in Zurich. (@mirrorlakestudioszh) I love helping Artists finish their songs and help them reach the goal they envisioned when creating their music.
Accomplished cellist from South Asia - Sri Lanka. Check my portfolio for the vast range of music styles from East to West I have recorded.
Young music producer specializing in pop and hip-hop, offering top-notch recording, beatmaking, mixing, and mastering services. Based in Brussels (also working online), I bring passion, creativity, and professionalism to every project. Let’s collaborate and make your vision come to life with the quality and care it deserves
Recent Successes
"Kris has a great contemporary and powerful sound. She understands the feel of the tracks and listens and follows instruction very well She is very easy to work with and I highly recommend her. I will certainly work w..."
"Walter was incredible. His work went above and beyond all of my expectations and the mix sounds better than I ever could have imagined. He is easy to work with, very efficient, and even put up with my countless meticu..."
"Great job!!!"
"3rd track finished up with Nate and the talent and energy he brings with the drums are absolutely fantastic. Look forward to working on the next couple tracks we have lined up. "
"Abbie Parker's voice talent is amazing. The track has quality EQ, tuning, compression and has a top professional sound and style. But what really made working with Abbie incredible was her passion. She jumped into my..."
"Unreal. Beautiful guitar arrangement stellar communication, Great clear and rich recording. What more can a producer ask for. I consider myself lucky to continuo to work with Ziv. And he has a whole lot of fantastic a..."
"I've worked with Matt several times and was always happy with the results and his approach and passion towards the music. This was our first online mix session and it went by smoothly, I learned a lot and am looking f..."
"Sasha is amazing, such a super talented musician and it´s been a real treat working with him again! He is a A-list player with amazing playing skills as well as great creative ideas that lifts your song to a new l..."