Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ay adamha
Matin Mehraz
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Record Producer/Mixer/Studio Owner. Music Lover.
I can translate your thoughts into words in the most seamless way. Music is the most honest form of art, but it's not always easy to put what we feel into words, and this is why I dive deep into lyrics. I've been writing since 2016, and even took online classes, including one offered by the Berklee College of Music.
Need something Prolific AF? I'm That Guy.
Need a fire song? Commercial Reggaeton , Trap Latino , R&B, Trapeton? Contact me
I'm Teddy XX. I make pop music. I am a writer, producer and a singer.
Tik tokers ans instagramers studios for profesional videos
Desbow is Desbow
Multi-Genre Songwriter/Producer and Audio Engineer whose Music Production and Audio Engineering skills have been put to use by major record labels and music companies, such as Interscope Records and Atlantic Records.
Recent Successes
"Always glad to trust Justin with my vocals. Very professional!"
"Julian has been very honest and forward with me since day 1. It took me 3 months to get back to him and I gave him an extreme time crunch and he made it happen with hours to spare. The sound quality is impeccable and ..."
"Mey was a pleasure to work with! Awesome vocalist, very professional and reliable. The result was really good, and I'm happy with the whole process, I will absolutely work with her again!"
"Fantastic sounding quality mix. V easy to work with. Definitely will consider again."
"I don't want my reviews to lose credibility by seeming overly enthusiastic but I just can't say enough good things about Chris. Always beginning with his fantastic skills as a mixing engineer. He just gets the job don..."
"Great engineer, great person."
"Marius is a beast - he whipped up an amazing idea in no time, and he was super accommodating of my feedback. Amazing talent! I’d love to work with him again "
"eileen's professionalism is unbelievable! always a pleasure to work with you!"