Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Autopiloto
Dynamic duo of professional mixing and mastering engineers to get your tracks to their fullest expression true to the artist's vision/concept.
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I compose and produce music for movies, bands and theater plays. If you are in need of original music for your project, if you are looking for a record producer or a mixer, I’d be happy to hear from you. Let’s get in touch: hello@tschernuth.com
Welcome! I am a graduate of the SAE Institute who would be delighted to help you. I am passionate about music, guitar, video editing and photography all in which I have acquiered certain skills throughout the years. Also, I am currently studying at UNATC (the National University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography) for my second degree.
I am a pop/soul/R&B/Latin accomplished songwriter, topliner and session singer. I also do keyboard session work. I work for Warner, Sony and Peer Music regularly. Amongst my recent work is the number-one album's single by Sweet California "Ay Dios Mio", where I am credited as a writer and session singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhq2TZtJ8xM
Creative, organic and precise Recording, Mixing & Mastering engineer and Sound Designer. Worked with Queens of the Stone Age drummer & Adam Hender.
Composer/Producer/Mix-Master Engineer
I'm a producer based in The Netherlands. I have been making music my entire life and i have seen changes in the industry. My music has been supported by several big artists and labels in the past like: Fedde Le Grand, Tokyo Machine, MusicbyLUKAS, Future House Music and more!
Hey, I'm Hendri! A vocalist and songwriter from Boston, MA living in Los Angeles, CA. I specialize in indie pop / rock and singer / songwriter tracks. Check out my song 'Shoulda Never Left Boston' on all streaming platforms!
Soy músico hace 40 años y 20 como productor. Toco bajo, guitarras y teclados. Trabajé para la emisora de radio FM Metro y actualmente creando artística sonora en FM Urbana Play. Realice la banda sonora de 12 obras de teatro y la música de publicidades e institucionales para marcas como Budweiser, La Rural, National Geographic y Disney.
Recent Successes
"I finished my second project with Branden and again he knocked it out of the park. Willing to work with me on a slight revision which turned out perfect. If you want an authentic, smooth country sound Branden is you..."
"He has a lot of talent. Recommend for your next project for sure. Always on time and always the best quality"
"Working with a professional like Austin makes it so much easier. Good communications, very responsive, great ideas and excellent skills. My song was mixed and mastered just as I wanted. And the remix he made on my son..."
"Michael was super awesome to work with. Immediately upon hearing samples of his work, I knew he was what I needed for my project. Not only did he come up with amazing ideas, he really welcomed a collaborative, ego-fre..."
"Super sassy vocal and professional! Works ✅ fast, great tracking quality. Communicated clear. Highly recommend Jae."
"Excellent playing, excellent recording quality. Will definitely work with him again. Highly recommended! "
"If you want someone so professional it will blow your mind. So musically communicative you'll be humbled, so fast you will think you are dealing with Flash Leeds. So reasonable your bank will be thanking him. Go with..."