Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Australian Children's Music Foundation
7 song awards, 17 nominations, 27 commissions and 37 song making projects across country, folk and pop genres, plus a couple of Isa Browns in a chook raffle:) Lynn has written with top artists such as Bill Chambers and Paul McCarthy; for tourism campaigns; Sydney Olympic Games; Centenary of Federation, National Arts Conference Australia; Festivals.
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professional studio with professional sound, cheaper them almost everybody because its more about the music then money
Hello! If you need help taking your songs and bringing them to life with professional sounding demos for commercial use/ for pitching to publishers/ or just personal gratification I can help. From intimate to fully produced!
Lets create something that is different from anybody else!
Composer and music producer based in Greece. Hit maker of the single "Mestral" with over 10 millon views! Many releases on worldwide compilations like Buddha Bar, Cafe de anatolia and well known labels like Ultra Music, Sony Music, Blanco y Negro Music, Roton, Energy Productions and many others.
Top-shelf upright bassist and recording artist who's recorded on Grammy-nominated albums, and with artists like H.E.R., Joy Williams, Ricky Skaggs, Ben Rector, Marc Scibilia and many more.
Fresh take on an old idea..
Mastering is a specialization within the world of audio. It's all we do, and we do it right.
Crafting unique sonic landscapes across all genres.
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience working with Riley. He was very professional, and gave me some options to choose from. Highly recommend him!"
"Thanks for your support. Great work and as always very uncomplicated! I can highly recommend Revelz! Thank you very much..."
"It was such an unbelievably wonderful experience to work with Dan on my EP. All throughout the process, Dan was friendly, flexible, and completely professional. I can’t rave enough about how excited I am to release th..."
"Ryan was asked to do something creative on drums for my track, he took his time but produced something special. Professionalism and communication are his forte, I was impressed."
"TL have transformed our track to sound amazing on all sound systems. Would highly recommend them. I would be using their service again."
"Thomas did an excellent job in producing a track for me!! A+ for everything and the quality is impressive. "
"First time working with Vesislava and she was fantastic! I gave her full control to use her talent and play what she felt and she did an amazing job. She has a lot of talent and made my song special! Highly recommende..."
"amazing as usual!"
"Sol is great to work with. She is very professional and sings excellent, she has a very beautiful and sweet voice. Looking forward to working with her again. 🤗"