Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aurinkomatkat
Eclectic music ranging from Ambient, Cinematic, Jazz to Heavy genres. Sounds beyond imagination.
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Chief engineer & producer at AD/DA Estudios in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Latin Recording Academy Member.
I'm a producer and a student. I love working on all projects and am willing to work with all different budgets.
Writer - Producer - Engineer - Mixing / Mastering - Recording - MIDI & Synthesis - Arranging - Coaching - Label
I am a Gold Certified & Billboard #2 Writer/Producer that has worked on everything from Hollywood movie soundtracks to radio #1 songs to working with some of the biggest television networks in the world. I am a perfectionist and wont stop until the project has surpassed your expectations.
In a single word, I am a Magician... In a few more words, I am a Songwriter & Record Producer, which means my entire existence is based upon bringing the unseen, into the seen and... For the last decade of my life, I have given myself over to the mastery of music from a performing artist's side as well as a record producer's point of view.
I will Mix and Master Your Song .. Or produce From Scratch
Transforming visions into mesmerizing sonic landscapes—your journey to exceptional electronic music starts here.
Eclectic music ranging from Ambient, Cinematic, Jazz to Heavy genres. Sounds beyond imagination.
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience working on a song with Arthur. He took the time to make it sound beautiful and professional. Thanks again. "
"Amazing Talent and super creative artist. "
"My second song with Nate as the drummer. And yes, he really is THAT good! And for my next song, who will I use as a drummer? No need to look elsewhere."
"It’s an absolute honor to have Harley play on yet another one of my songs. His talent brings these songs to life and they wouldn’t be nearly as perfect without Harleys magical touch! Can’t wait to have Harley work on ..."
"Another top mix done with minimum fuss! "
"Another great master by Andres! This was my fifth song with him and he nailed it! He's really fast with his delivery and the best part is the mix coaching which is extremely helpful. Can't wait to work on the next son..."
"Amazing job on mixing, very open to feedback and suggestions. After 1 revision was already sounding amazing and just small tweaks were needed. Would recommend highly!"
"Gabriele delivered a perfect guitarsolo for my song Exodus very fast. He is a true professional and easy. I hope we will work together again. I can really recommend him. Work with him."