Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aura of Birth
With over 5-6 years of experience as a mixing and mastering engineer, my attention to detail and commitment to delivering exceptional results will elevate the sound of any project, making it a must-have for artists and producers looking to create music that resonates with their audience.
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"By using the tools of the past and present, I shape the sound of the future." Toyota/Olympic Composer -James Hatcher Jr.
Music Enthusiast
If you need french lyrics for rapper, RnB and pop singer or a french rapper on your tracks I can write you great lyrics and tight flows. I got 20 years of experiences in writing and recording.
Working for what your song needs.
I am a multi-instrumentalist and music producer from Portland, Oregon. My tracks are all original and often incorporate live instruments played by me.
Clean mix, professional mastering and awsome beats
3+ million streams across platforms in 1 year, track support from Yellow Claw, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Alex Wann, and more. Charted 9 in Portugal, 62 in Los Angeles, and more :)
Adi Alkobi Session/Studio drummer I play live shows for artists and record live drum tracks from my own private recording studio. I play a wide variety of styles, ranging from heavy metal to soft rock, pop, hip hop and many more.
Recent Successes
"James is a true professional who takes time to listen and is patient enough to try and understand specific feedback. The fact that this end result appears to be “version 9”, while I’ve only heard 1 other version basic..."
"João is an amazing talent — great attitude, very precise, professional, and timely. Highly recommended and I look forward to working with him again!"
"Can't explain how soulful Shamain sings. Impeccable attention to detail. Nails it every time. Awesome balance of emotion, cadence and delivery. Every song I've asked her to sing comes to life."
"Incredible and FAST experience, took direction well while still putting his input as well, team effort we did great! "
"Fantastic job!!!! Super patient and awesome work!!! Would recommend to anyone!!"
"This was my first time having a film scored and Marco was such a breath of fresh air, making my experience easy under stressful time constraints. He has a great ear for what fits and applies feedback well. He's timely..."
"Great working with Aaron! Super quick with responses, very talented, and has an amazing ear!"
"Great job"