Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ashley Anngora
The sound of San Francisco // +20 years experience // Halcyon SF nightclub sound & lighting director. I specialize in mixing and mastering EDM- house, techno, bass, trap, DnB, hip hop, and test my masters on the world-class Pioneer XY sound system at Halcyon.
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I am a professional audio mixer and producer specializing in rock music. I create authentic rock sounds using old equipment and techniques. I work on Neve and API desks and a whole range of vintage outboards.
I Mix I Produce Audio engineer and music producer. Can work on multiple genres and projects including film, apps, and video games.
Currently, Adam is working on an array of genre challenging projects, both as a solo artist and with different bands. He has shared the stage with many people,(Marty Friedman, John 5,Tony MacAlpine, King's X and many others.) He is a guitar tech in Houston, TX and also is a session guitarist and drummer..
MUSIC PRODUCER – AUDIO MASTERING ENGINEER Produced and or mixed and mastered records for major artists J-Doe, Sammie, Cassius Jay, Zaytoven, Shawty Redd, Yonni, Sony Records, Maybach Music Group, Conglomerate, Digital Dope Ro, Dj K Yung, & More We will provide you with a product you can be proud of rather its production or mix & master
Specialize in females, an bomb bap. Been featured on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta,
Have written top lines for EMI library track, one used in Home and away quite a lot., Have done a lot of Etherial backing and lead vocals for BBC nature documentaries and also have a lot of experience as a violinist also, and am on many BBC theme tunes including the theme for BBC Grand Designs, Parliament theme, see web site www.quickfiddle.co.uk.
I'll produce and turn your song into a HIT or create the catchiest top melodies for your instrumentals.
Recent Successes
"didn't know how much I needed this dudes help until I got it "
"Andres has the magic touch for sure! He brings focus to everything that needs it nicely, while maintaining the overall presence and atmosphere of the tracks. The low end bumps without muddying and overpowering the mix..."
"Scott is INCREDIBLE! He brought my song to a level far above what I ever could have imagined! He is creative, consistent, attentive, and kind - I highly recommend Scott to anyone looking to add some magic to their mus..."
"Kody is a great singer, with a true passion for music, and he goes the extra mile to make you satisfied. Definitely recommend!"
"Emma was recommended to me by a producer who had used her vocal tuning services several times. I had a vocal with plosives/smacks that the plug-ins for removing such things could not quite get rid of, and still stood..."
"Killer master from Andres once again. Perfect loudness and clarity, couldn't imagine any better! Use Andres!"
"Bryan is great to work with and dedicated to delivering your ideas!"
"Extremely talented, precise, professional, and with a quick turn-around bonus! I have worked with Michael before and plan on working with him again. Excellent work!"
"Fast delivery and great bassist! Highly recommend him!"
"The most incredible vocals, ouzing with soul and perfectly recorded. To say Cheshy/Cheshy is amazing is an understatement - her voice is something that is here on Earth as a gift from heaven. "