Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Arjos
Mixing and Mastering Engineer, Is your thing Rap/Trap or Rock? Your project is mine too and I want you to succeed with a quality sound for each project launched on the market. I am the independent producer you are looking for. I'm hungry for music, I'm looking for emerging and independent artists to grow honestly and seriously together.
I'm my own producer, so I can understand another artists that needs beats with an especial sauce, an own sound. I know how to help you to get your own sound.
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SoundGasm Studios "We Get Off On Your Music."
Vocalist, lyricist and Songwriter.
Home Studio producing since 2013, special focus on composing for different audiovisual projects including short films. Multigenre.
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Create ear-catching melody with me.
I am an 18 year old self producer, mix/master engineer, vocalist, and recording artist.
I'm my own producer, so I can understand another artists that needs beats with an especial sauce, an own sound. I know how to help you to get your own sound.
More than 10 years working with live sound. Vast experience with Blues, Jazz, Country and several other styles.
Recent Successes
"I highly recommend Timm. He is a pleasure to work with, meticulous and understanding. Last but not least he is a great drummer and knows how to get a great drum sound. Thanks a lot Timm!"
"Joona was super easy going, attentive, warm and awesome to work with! He was willing to work at listening to your concerns but also expressed in honest but caring ways to take your track to the next level! Especially ..."
"Tempo took this song to another level. Beyond my expectations. What an incredibly talented man. Would definitely work with him again and again!"
"Denny is an amazing singer and a great writer, his vocals added so much to the track! Can definitely recommend him and will for sure work with him again. "
"Another excellent stem-mastering job completed by Neel! Neel’s masters are always top-notch and it is a great pleasure to work with him, can’t wait for more to come - full 5 stars!"
"Thanks to Trey I am fully aware now what's the difference between just good lyrics and great lyrics !!! Thanks a lot man !! "
"It was a pleasure working with Caden. What I liked most about him are his positive attitude, his enthusiasm, and his commitment to leaving me, the client, 100% satisfied with the final product. I have already hired hi..."
"Mariami did an awesome job on my project! Great songwriting and vocals, easy to work with too!"