Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Areis
Italian music producer, mix and mastering engineer from the city of Ferrara. I've published, produced, mixed and mastered music for a lot of independent label like WormHoleDeath, Epictronic, Too Loud Records, Indelirium and others.
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Chen (a.k.a. Khen) Price is an Israeli born multi instrumentalist, music technologist, composer and sound designer. In his work, he explores interests in sound synthesis, signal processing, music cognition and perception, spatial perception, and how these apply to contemporary audio production and performance art. Khen's sonic palette explores rela
My name is Dylan Lloyd and I am a professional Singer/Songwriter/Instrumentalist. Hire me to do male vocal demos, write songs, or session work for piano, guitar, bass, or drums. Years of Experience: Piano - 23, Songwriting & Voice - 16, Guitar - 15, Bass - 15, Drums - 10
I make everything sound better.
Song lyrics writing
I have written over 100 songs in the course of a year, and will always be open to collaborating with artists in the future.
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, producer based in Delhi. My main aim is to bridge the gap between your ambitions and a finished track, providing not only good sounds but also good vibes.
Sons of the East (Over 300 million streams, Certified Gold in Australia), Shannon Noll (Top 10 album in Australia), Young Divas (Platinum Album), Catcall & Expatriate . We love the art of mixing.
I'm specialized in composing and arranging top quality piano/keyboard tracks
Recent Successes
"Tom is one of the most professional musicians I've worked with. He came up with exactly what I wanted. He gave me 3 incredible takes and the rest is history! Thank you so much Tom!"
"Very professional and so talented! It was a pleasure to work with her!"
"I can't believe my luck in finding Rachel. She is a superb singer and a consummate professional. She did great harmonies and stacked background vocals throughout a long Americana song. She nailed it all on the first ..."
"Not only has Hugo got great producing skills, but he played many of the instruments on the track, mixing real with electronic sounds. His sax playing especially was excellent. He is very easy to work with and totally ..."
"Always nice to work with Rob! When mixing a song he really does his best and works creatively with your material. "
"Loved working with Marco, he made all the changes I wanted!. If you want someone who's professional and someone who will continue working on your song until its perfect then he's your guy."
"Christopher Michael hit my project out the park with such professionalism and talent. He was prompt and delivered quality work in a short time. He took a simple idea I had and made it a hit. Man, im so grateful and wi..."