Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Apple Music Breaking Dance
Songs featured in Spotify's Mint, Dance Rising and Friday Cratediggers playlists. Whether you want a punchier mix, a loud master, or an amazing original song, I will help you make it happen!
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Looking to perfect the sound of your latest project? Well meet us. We like to make things sound great... Really great. Kalikoe Sound & Music provides extensive audio services for music and post audio applications. Music Production, Mixing, Mastering, Post Audio.
Artistry begets artistry.
Financial podcasts
Let’s network and create
Soy compositor, ingeniero de mix & máster y productor musical
Session guitar, Mixing, Mastering
Unleash your music's full potential with perfect melodies, lyrics, and singing. Let me help you create the next big hit for the world to enjoy!
Worked for 7liwa, 8blevrai, La Flèche, Don Pietro, Ohdio, Sike
Recent Successes
"Great master with Andres as usual. Wouldn't recommend anyone else!"
"This is my second project with Brian. As with the previous project, Brian is the consummate professional. His turn around was consistent with his promise-by date, his work was flawless, he completed several revisions ..."
"Another 5 star experience!"
"Another fantastic mix/master by Josh on this one! Can't wait to work on another song with him! "
"Jay understands exactly what a track needs and adapts to every style and mood we'd like. Highly recommended!"
"Thank you for the result, you were able to express the idea that I passed, in addition to the great mixing, you gained another client, thank you knd"
"He faithfully carried out my request. That really helped. Thank you I would like to work with him again!"
"Another stellar track. Thanks for being so easy to work with and always delivering a quality part!"
"Ziv was helpful in a follow-up request to create an alternative version of a song that I’m working on. Things like this happen where you hear a song and then you get new ideas and Ziv was very helpful in iterating on ..."