Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with APLA choir behind Roberta Flack
Happy to be here and easy to work with! Flexible schedule with broadcast quality home studio.
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I can mix, master or produce your music for you, Having worked on hundreds of songs in a multitude of genres, with clients from all over the world, I pride myself on being able to bring your vision to life, my attention to detail as well as great communication and building strong working relationships with all of my clients.
Mixing | Mastering | Video Tutorials |
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Lewis is a professional, experienced music composer based in London.
Mix & Mastering engineer @toolbox.estudio
Groovy, hip and dynamic drummer
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Recent Successes
"David was really good at capturing the essence of the song and getting the vocals to a really good quality. Highly recommend him!"
"Krysta was INCREDIBLE to work with! She was fast, easy to communicate with and she's definitely a pro at her craft! THANK YOU KRYSTA!"
"It was great working with Robert . He mixed and mastered my track beautifully . would definitely want to work with him again . highly recommended ."
"Lenny noticed details I missed - like a click from poor side-chaining on my bassline. It's no wonder he was able to get my mix and master sounding much cleaner and louder than I could on my own. It's wonderful to hear..."
"Josh worked on my first single as a new artist, and NAILED IT. He over-communicated, was super professional, pushed both me and the song forward, and delivered everything I hoped to find in a Producer and Songwriter o..."
"Alex is extremely talented and really went above and beyond to make sure I had everything I needed for my song! Looking forward to working with him again soon."
"Nate, once again, exceeded my expectations. Sent him 3 songs and he composed 3 different high quality versions for each song. He makes it hard to pick but stitched together the parts we liked the most. Man is a soulfu..."