Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anup Sastry
Explosive Mixing and Mastering! Credits include: Anup Sastry, Sunfall, Break Fifty, The Moralhighground, Ilona Mahieu, Out of Line Records Specializing in rock and metal with an emphasis on unique and impactful production choices to set you apart from everyone else! Over 10 years of experience within the industry!
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Singer, songwriter; singer of the Emmy winning theme song “A Place In Time” from The 4400 with years of experience in vocal and songwriting training with Gerald White and Harriet Schock. I've recorded with the legendary Stephen Stills and T.O.N.e-z and have featured vocals on CBS, Lifetime, The CW, songwriting award from USA Songwriting Competition
As a flautist I offer a style and approach that is not common for the instrument, which has landed me gigs with Eminem, Ed Sheeran, Robby Krieger (The Doors), Alex Lifeson (Rush), Alice Cooper, Chicago, Jack Black, and Alice in Chains to name a few. I read, write and improvise. I can also provide vocals, keys/synths, and additional horns & strings.
Contemporary Pop Songwriter, Producer, multi instrumentalist. My music is currently featured on multiple TV commercials. I will produce, mix, & arrange your track to a professional level!
Fast, affordable, professional
Believe in yourself.
Mix & Mastering, Singer.
V6 HR Services Pvt. Ltd. have a experience HR Consultants in Delhi, India. To Connect With Us +91 9212149649. https://www.v6jobmart.com/
I will write, sing and produce a contemporary pop song that aligns with the Major label songwriting/arrangement format.
Recent Successes
"Camden will most definitely be my top pick for all future projects. He knew exactly what I wanted and got the job done right away! Not only was he extremely productive, but also contributed tons of unique, creative id..."
"One of greatest tracks Wizard has worked. Wizard has created a very enthusiastic atmosphere at end of track that brought a new perspective for me."
"Another great job, thanks Rob"
"Amazing communication, Very quick, reliable and get the stem mastring right on the first shot! Highly recommended..."
"Brilliant delivery. Great Person to work with. Top marks all the way. Will be collaborating in future projects 100% "
"It's been really awesome working with Pablo from drums to production. It's definitely a blessing to have cool people to work with! Keeping it going...."
"Outstanding quality work! Every single song. "
"Chris is the very best, great, unique voice that makes your song come alive!!! "
"Another jam in the books! Always a pleasure working with Daniela."
"Marco is amazing, very recommended. He was very fast on delivery, the sound effects were top-notch, and he has an incredible taste. Added several things to the song that I had not visualized, and that gave the song an..."
"Andros is a truly amazing artist 6 time grammy winner and yet willing to work with artists nobody knows like me! He is super dedicated, fast, and extremely responsive. Super recommended!"