Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anthony Gunner
Versatile Bassist specialising mainly in Funk, disco, pop and rock. Professional Studio access providing Commercial ready results !
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To work with other writers and artists.
Kizomba, Afrobeat, R&B, Hip Hop, POP, etc...
Looking forward to work in every proyect that need a sound engineer. Such as music, audivisuals, etc.
I’ve been written up by Rolling Stone and Pitchfork, songwriting all my life, multi-instrumentalist, singer, all genres, with a gift for crafting melody.
Deviator of trends.
Hi, I'm Andrii from Ukraine, currently searching for any job opportunities. I write electronic music in tech-house and electro styles. Have release on LBR Records from Switzerland. If you need help with a separate instrument, beatmaking or any support to complete the track and mix it - I will be happy to help.
Hey, I'm Santiago Carosia from Buenos Aires! My songs have more than 6 Million Streams.
Recent Successes
"I've used Kimera on three jobs. I will continue to use her. A great job as always. "
"And yet again Brandon delivers such 'musical' drumming, I just love working with this guy, elevating my songs. I keep hearing subtle details in repeated listens to his tracks, which are 'just so right' ! Looking forwa..."
"PHENOMENAL JOB ! It was a pleasure working with Chris, easy and quick to communicate with, honestly don't get some of the other reviews this guy is an outstanding professional and definitely feels like someone I becam..."
"These guys are no joke amazing. I sent them between 4-5 different complicated brass sections to track and they can do it all. Could not be happier with their work!"
"Nick is my go to for guitars. Complete pro, is excited to get started and bring his unique sound. "
"Always a pleasure--quick, thoughtful, and professional. Looking forward to continuing to work more going forward. "
"Nailed it again, at this point I only go to Fred for mastering"
"Not only is Killian amazing at pop, rock, hip-hop, etc, but he just produced my Neo-classic Christmas song! It turned out fabulous!! "